
Substantial investors moving markets on their own at Elephant Kunsthall

Artists: Tyra Tingleff, Steinar Haga Kristensen, Linda Lerseth, Fredrik Berberg, Urd Pedersen, Mikael Hegnar, Sinae Yoo, Stian Eide Kluge, Jorunn Hancke Øgstad, Birk Bjørlo, Kim Friele, Mads A. Andreassen

Exhibition title: Substantial investors moving markets on their own

A project by: Anders Holen

Venue: Elephant Kunsthall, Lillehammer, Norway

Date: October 30, 2021 – January 30, 2022

Photography: Siri Leira / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Elephant Kunsthall

It is not clear if the sun is setting or rising in here. Not easy to see if green fades to blue, onwards to yellow, or if the colors move in the opposite direction. The gray parts are older than the orange, like a layer appearing. And who knows what the yellow really is. It is not easy to separate things in here in general, at least not when the light is changing, freedom, lightness, glacier buttercup.

It is not one home, it is three, approximately, the sum of several at least. Sometimes the floors are frozen, other times they are flowing through the rooms, setting things in motion through wood and concrete. It is chaotic, and cyclic, things disappear, things appear. It is open and everything can be filled. Possible actions: Hang something, rest in a chair, absorb color, cling to the floor, look up at the ceiling, if it’s there.

And the one reclining in the black leather chair is a guest, and it lives here. Possible ways to be: Dangle with one’s feet, hang in the rope of a cradle, be a picture sitting in a chair, be a chair that supports a picture, be the line drawn by a hand that doesn’t want to draw. It is not clear where the power lies, or who gathers it. In here everyone are investors, elephants moving markets on their own.

-Sandra Kolstad

Substantial Investors Moving Markets On Their Own is a compilation of several unrealized projects that was scheduled to happen in the home of Kolstad and Holen, but couldn’t because of the pandemic. The show features workshop by Tyra Tingleff, Steinar Haga Kristensen, Linda Lerseth, Fredrik Berberg, Urd Pedersen, Mikael Hegnar, Sinae Yoo, Stian Eide Kluge, Jorunn Hancke Øgstad, Birk Bjørlo, Kim Friele og Mads A. Andreassen. For the finissage there will be a concert held inside the exhibition by O.KOSMISKE (Sandra Kolstad og Kyrre Bjørkås) at 14:00 29.01.22

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Substantial investors moving markets on their own, 2021, exhibition view, Elephant Kunsthall

Birk Bjørlo, Melankolsk (2021) Pigment, ink, rice paper, epoxy

Birk Bjørlo, Melankolsk (2021) Pigment, ink, rice paper, epoxy

Birk Bjørlo, Melankolsk (2021) Pigment, ink, rice paper, epoxy

Sinae Yoo, Dancing Eyes III (2019) HD video and sound. 5:35 min

Mikael Hegnar, Rosa (2018) Egg-oil tempera on canvas

Stian Eide Kluge, Untitled fan (2021) Gouache, lacquer, copper, glass in waxed oak frame / Untitled fan (2021) Blueberries, paper, polypropylene, glass in waxed oak frame

Stian Eide Kluge, Untitled fan (2021) Gouache, lacquer, copper, glass in waxed oak frame

Stian Eide Kluge, Untitled fan (2021) Blueberries, paper, polypropylene, glass in waxed oak frame

Jorunn Hancke Øgstad, Z-Space Tableau (Screen Sequence Series) (2015) Textile color on cotton canvas

Fredrik Berberg, Cesca Wheat (2) (2021), Photo print in frame

Tyra Tingleff, An Experience Like Spoiled Fruit (2021) Oil on canvas

Mads Andreas Andreassen, Douche Canoe (2019) Wad, cotton / Fredrik Berberg, Cesca Wheat (1) (2021), 3D-printed PLA, copper, acrylic, plaster

Fredrik Berberg, Cesca Wheat (1) (2021), 3D-printed PLA, copper, acrylic, plaster

Mads Andreas Andreassen, Douche Canoe (2019) Wad, cotton / Fredrik Berberg, Cesca Wheat (1) (2021), 3D-printed PLA, copper, acrylic, plaster / Urd J. Pedersen, Felleshjem #3 (2021) Glazed ceramics, gold leaf

Urd J. Pedersen, Felleshjem #3 (2021) Glazed ceramics, gold

Linda Lerseth, Etui 1-2 (2021) Glazed ceramics, steel, perforated steel, bolts, nuts

Linda Lerseth, Etui 1-2 (2021) Glazed ceramics, steel, perforated steel, bolts, nuts

Linda Lerseth, Etui 1-2 (2021) Glazed ceramics, steel, perforated steel, bolts, nuts

Kim Friele, Uten tittel (2020) Ink on paper

Kim Friele, Uten tittel (2020) Ink on paper

Kim Friele, Uten tittel (2020) Ink on paper

Steinar Haga Kristensen, Untitled (2009) Bronze, leather, string

Linda Lerseth, Etui 3 (2021) Glazed ceramics, steel, perforated steel, bolts, nuts

Stian Eide Kluge, Untitled fan (2021) Tin, vegan leather, thistledown, floor varnish, Plexiglass, glass in waxed oak frame

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