“Uncanny Valley” is a dystopian sci-fi film that deals with the relationship between machines and humans based on the encounter between an android and its doppelgänger, reflecting on the duality of animism and technology. It explores complex existential problems due to the Uncanny Valley Hypothesis in the field of robotics, in which an android created too much in the image and likeness of a human faces rejection.
The underlying themes of the video deal with the relationship between machines and humans based on the encounter between a real android and its human doppelgänger. Through this relationship, “Uncanny Valley” explores the communication between different forms of intelligences, specially between humans and machines, and produces an immersive, constantly changing environment, in which the edit infects matter with memory creating a post–human consciousness.
Through painting, sculpture, and installation, Karlos Gil (Talavera, 1984), addresses the fundamental questions about what it means to be human in today’s world. His latest projects reflect on the relationship between technological development and the principles of the natural world, blurring the borderline between the organic and the artificial, the natural and the industrial.
Karlos Gil studied at the School of Visuals Arts in New York and at the faculties of Fine Arts in Lisbon and Madrid where he earned his PhD in 2016. He has had numerous international exhibitions at such venues as Galeria Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo; Centre Pompidou, Paris; HKW, Berlin; Witte de With, Rotterdam; NTU CCA, Singapore, Gasworks, London; Fondazione Baruchello, Rome; CRAC–Montbeliard; MARCO, Vigo; CA2M, Madrid. He has participated in III Moscow International Biennale (2012) and Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria) in 2020.
Karlos Gil, Uncanny Valley, 2019, 2k video and sound. Duration: 8 minutes and 9 seconds
Karlos Gil, Uncanny Valley, 2019, 2k video and sound. Duration: 8 minutes and 9 seconds
Karlos Gil, Uncanny Valley, 2019, 2k video and sound. Duration: 8 minutes and 9 seconds
Karlos Gil, Uncanny Valley, 2019, 2k video and sound. Duration: 8 minutes and 9 seconds
Karlos Gil, Uncanny Valley, 2019, 2k video and sound. Duration: 8 minutes and 9 seconds
Karlos Gil, Uncanny Valley, 2019, 2k video and sound. Duration: 8 minutes and 9 seconds
Written and Directed by: Karlos Gil
Executive Director: Belen Zahera
Production Designer: Toshio Yamamoto
Edition: Miyako Yamada
Actress: Suhui Xia
Casting Director: Belén Zahera
Sound Composer: Karlos Gil
Art Direction: Belén Zahera
Locations: Hikaru Takemitsu
Madrid Unit
Unit Production Manager: Antonio M. Villalba
Director of Photography: Irene Grego
Assistant Producer: Roberto Blaya
Assistant camera: Nicolás Ibañez
Aux camera: Crisol Carballal
Gaffer: Alba Gómez
Eléctric: Filomena
Make up: Cristina Seafer
Tokyo Unit
Unit Production Manager: Yuko Yamada
Director of Photography: Aiko Ishikawa
Camera: Rai Kimura
Gaffer: Usagi Yamagawa
Robot & AI: Rei Takamasha
Special Thanks
Maholo Uchida, Hiroshi Isiguro, MIRAIKAN Museum, ATR Laboratories, Osaka University, Bernardo José da Souza, Lorena Muñoz– Alonso, Fernando Baños, Escuela Universitaria TAI, Toshio Yamamoto, Miyako Yamada, EXOTICA and Belén Zahera.
Produced with the help of Comunidad de Madrid and TAI (Transforming Art Institute).