The animated video Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen”, 2019, takes its inspiration from Lucas Cranach the Elder’s 1546 painting The Fountain of Youth, which provides the background in which a closed eye puppet evolves. In many respect Cranach the Elder’s depiction of the fountain of youth— a popular myth in the late Middle Age and Renaissance— is unusual as it depicts mostly older women bathing, whose bodies are somewhat contrasting with the common and idealised representation of female body of the time. Marchi’s sleeping puppet, incessantly pedalling, is followed by her own reflection, who at times replicates, support or hinders her movement. Marchi’s puppet seems to have escaped the crowed of the painting, and, once rejuvenated by the holly water, able to engage in an act of final emancipation.
Beatrice Marchi (*Gallarate) lives and works in Berlin. After graduating in Milan at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, she moved to Germany in 2015 where she completed a MA at Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HFBK) Hamburg. Through different media, her work investigates some processes involved in the definition of identity, creating ambivalent characters inspired by the figure of the clown, who come to life in paintings, video-animations, performances and sculptures.
Recent solo exhibitions include: Sandy Brown, Berlin; Riverside, Bern; Hester, New York; Exo Exo, Paris; Fanta, Milan; Gasconade, Milan. Additionally her work has been shown and performed at institutions and galleries including Museion, Bozen; Palazzo Reale, Milan; Performance Space, New York; Mambo, Bologna; Galerias Municipais de Lisboa (Boavista), Lisbon; Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; Altri tempi, altri miti, 16th Art Quadriennal, Ehi, Voi!, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome; PAC, Milan; GAM, Milan.
Beatrice Marchi, Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen” (2019), Digital animation, color, sound, 5:40 min, Courtesy of the Artist
Beatrice Marchi, Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen” (2019), Digital animation, color, sound, 5:40 min, Courtesy of the Artist
Beatrice Marchi, Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen” (2019), Digital animation, color, sound, 5:40 min, Courtesy of the Artist
Beatrice Marchi, Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen” (2019), Digital animation, color, sound, 5:40 min, Courtesy of the Artist
Beatrice Marchi, Autoritratto Dormiente in “der Jungbrunnen” (2019), Digital animation, color, sound, 5:40 min, Courtesy of the Artist