Robert Brambora and Jan Kiefer at Kunstverein Wiesen

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Artists: Robert Brambora and Jan Kiefer

Exhibition title: Forward to history

Venue: Kunstverein Wiesen, Wiesen, Germany

Date: July 30 – September 30, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunstverein Wiesen

Kunstverein Wiesen is delighted to announce the duo exhibition with Robert Brambora and Jan Kiefer “Forward to history“.Thematically juxtaposing works by both artists that were partially developed specifically for the space, opens up a dialogue about changing technology and turmoil, its accompanying problems and the reflection thereof in todays society.

Starting with a mutual interest in materiality and traditional techniques both artists aim at finding a mean of combining those, with contemporary topics and concepts. By doing so, Robert Brambora and Jan Kiefer adapt to the raw, unfinished and century old architecture of the exhibition space, integrating it in their works and displays, both conceptually and formally. Thereby, the visitors may become part of the artist`s own created, fictive narrative.

Throughout the exhibition, the works by Robert Brambora and Jan Kiefer are displayed separately, functioning in a dialogue while at the same time remaining individual artistic complexes. “Forward to history” is the first personal encounter of Jan Kiefer and Robert Brambora. Despite different production locations and vitae, the approach and interests of both artists intertwine. Thus, the exhibition finally results in a complete installation out of paintings, sculpture, video and ready made. Equally inspired by advertisements – in form of commercials as well as professions – its aesthetics, messages and effects , both artists use direct slogans and subtle messages to deal with more extensive, often existential questions that accompany us along the way.

The exhibition was kindly supported by the Swiss Art Institute, „Pro Helvetia“.

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Jan Kiefer, Zermatt Groove, 2016
Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm

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Jan Kiefer, Lift, 2014
HD video, looped, 3’10”

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Jan Kiefer, Zermatt Groove, 2016
Oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm

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Jan Kiefer, Cats & Cactus, 2016
Stained glass, lead, metal, 158 x 94 cm

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Jan Kiefer, Cats & Cactus, 2016
Stained glass, lead, metal, 158 x 94 cm

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Jan Kiefer, Cats & Cactus, 2016
Stained glass, lead, metal, 158 x 94 cm

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Jan Kiefer, untitled, 2016
Inkjet print, 120 x 90 cm

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Jan Kiefer, Toujours, 2016
UV print on PVC, 470 x 250 cm

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016,
Plastic, size variable

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016,
Plastic, size variable

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016,
Plastic, size variable

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016
Wood, coconutpaper, gouache, ceramic, trash,  ceramic, ground, cardboard, 3d-printed figures, plastic, effect plates

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016
Wood, coconutpaper, gouache, ceramic, trash,  ceramic, ground, cardboard, 3d-printed figures, plastic, effect plates

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016
Wood, coconutpaper, gouache, ceramic, trash,  ceramic, ground, cardboard, 3d-printed figures, plastic, effect plates

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Robert Brambora, untitled, 2016
Wood, coconutpaper, gouache, ceramic, trash,  ceramic, ground, cardboard, 3d-printed figures, plastic, effect plates

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Robert Brambora, installation view, 2016

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Robert Brambora, Getting A Job,  2016
Bog oak, lasercut, 40 x 24,5 cm

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Robert Brambora, 7 months, 135 applications, 54 rejections, 4 offers, finally got a job!,  2016
Bog oak, lasercut, 37,5 x 22 cm