
Politics are personal at Exo Exo


Artists: Spencer Ashby, Harm van den Dorpel, Bruno Zhu

Exhibition title: Politics are personal

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico

Venue: Exo Exo, Paris, France

Date: October 23 – 30, 2015

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Exo Exo, Paris

Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), french philosopher. For Derrida the «animals issue» represents « the limit where all the other big matters arise and take form» […].

The seductive exhibition by Harm van den Dorpel faces the «issue». It happens in three ways. The first path is determined by the erotism of the shapes. The second is established within the generosity of the volumes. The third one, at last, is the meaty structure of the work.

Antonin Artaud (1896-1948), dramatist, actor and theatre director, french writer. He wrote: « From the daedalus of gestures, attitudes, shouts throw up in the air, from evolutions and turns that doesn’t leave any part of stage, frees the sense of a new physic language based on signs and not on words anymore»
Antonin Artaud. Le Théâtre Balinais, in: Complete works, Paris, Gallimard, 1964, vol. IV, p. 65

Bruno Zhu, in fact, doesn’t neglect any part of the exhibition space. In the imaginary, his erotism is iconic, made by deeds. The work, in its physicality, meant as a «sign», doesn’t neglect the concept of movement.

Yukio Mishima (1925-1970), writer, dramatist, essayist, actor, director and japanese poet. Recurrent themes in his production are the myth of strength and heroism, erotism, the indivisible liaison between sensuality and violence, beauty and death.

Spencer Ashby is constantly comparing his very narcissist ego. In his work, the auto-celebration as a leitmotiv, is a metaphorical invitation to «some» practice of complacency.








Bruno Zhu, Spoils (bunny), 2015


Bruno Zhu, Spoils (bunny), 2015


Bruno Zhu, Three Legged Table with Books and Glass of Water, 2015


Bruno Zhu, Three Legged Table with Books and Glass of Water, 2015


Harm van den Dorpel, Assemblage(chain), 2012


Harm van den Dorpel, Assemblage(chain), 2012


Spencer Ashby, Spine freak, 2015

Spencer Ashby, Spine freak, 2015

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