Ludger Gerdes at Stadthausgalerie Münster
Ludger Gerdes at Stadthausgalerie Münster
Corinne Jones at Tops Gallery
Corinne Jones at Tops Gallery
John Miller at Kunsthaus Glarus
John Miller at Kunsthaus Glarus
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EUROPA AND THE BULL at Lambda Lambda Lambda


Artists: Lupo Borgonovo, Chelsea Culprit, Francisco Cordero-Oceguera, Caspar Heinemann, Hannah Lees, Jimmy Merris, Daniele Milvio, Temra Pavlovic, Ahmet Ogut, Jala Wahid

Exhibition title: EUROPA AND THE BULL

Curated by: Attilia Fattori Franchini

Venue: Lambda Lambda Lambda, Pristhina, Kosovo

Date: July 2 – September 11, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Lambda Lambda Lambda



Architropismes at Les Moulins de Paillard

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Artists: Béatrice Balcou, Shqipe Gashi, Hedwig Houben, Saskia Noor van Imhoff, Pieter van der Schaaf, Tatiana Trouvé

Exhibition title: Architropismes

Curated by: Rozenn Canevet, Marlise van der Jagt

Venue: Les Moulins de Paillard, Poncé sur le Loir, France

Date: July 9 – September 18, 2016

Photography: ©JGP, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Les Moulins de Paillard

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Les Apostrophes Silencieuses (détail)_Béatrice Balcou_Architropismes_ Les Moulins de Paillard 2016_© FF_03

Jessica Warboys at SIC


Artist: Jessica Warboys

Exhibition title: Hoop Eye Dance Trance

Venue: SIC, Helsinki, Finland

Date: August 6 – September 4, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and SIC, Helsinki



A pool is water at Galerie Division


Artists: Raque Ford, Maryse Larivière, Tiziana la Melia, Athena Papadopoulos, Megan Rooney

Exhibition title: A pool is water

Curated by: Loreta Lamargese

Venue: Galerie Division, Montreal, Canada

Date: July 14 – September 10, 2016

Photography: Paul Litherland, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Division, Montreal