Karlos Martínez Bordoy at Okela Kultur Elkartea
Karlos Martínez Bordoy at Okela Kultur Elkartea
Karoline Dausien at Kunstraum Schwaz
Karoline Dausien at Kunstraum Schwaz
Lena Cobangbang at Towards
Lena Cobangbang at Towards
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Centres of Indetermination at SixtyEight Art Institute


Artists: Adriano Amaral, Nina Beier, Søren Engsted, Henning Lundkvist, Zoe Williams

Exhibition title: Centres of Indetermination

Curated by: João Laia

Venue: SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

Date: December 9, 2016 – January 28, 2017

Photography: Christopher Sand-Iversen, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and SixtyEight Art Institute



Se nos cayó el teatro at Lodos


Artists: Temra Pavlović, Noa4s (Noah Barker & Oa4s), Diego Salvador Rios, Lewis Teague Wright, Dave Miko, Veit Laurent Kurz, Anna-Sophie Berger, Adriana Lara

Exhibition title: Se nos cayó el teatro

Venue: Lodos, Mexico City

Date: December 8, 2016 – January 31, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Lodos, Mexico City