
On Survival at Galerie Britta von Rettberg

Artists: Boban Andjelkovic, Helene Appel, Jakob Brugge, Chiara Camoni, Hanna Maria Hammari, Piotr Lakomy, Anastasia Sosunova, Alan Stefanato, Andrew Norman Wilson

Exhibition title: On Survival

Curated by: Caterina Avataneo

Venue: Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich, Germany

Date: February 2 – March 11, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Galerie Britta Rettberg is pleased to present the group exhibition On Survival with works by Boban Andjelkovic, Helene Appel, Jakob Brugge, Chiara Camoni, Hanna-Maria Hammari,

Piotr Lakomy, Anastasia Sosunova, Alan Stefanato and Andrew Norman Wilson. The exhibition was curated by London based curator Caterina Avataneo and brings together painting and sculpture as well as site-specific installation and video art. Caterina Avataneo holds an MA in Curating from The London Metropolitan University, delivered in conjunction with Whitechapel Gallery (2017). She was awarded with the 2017 NEON Curatorial Award by The Neon Foundation and Whitechapel Gallery. Since 2018 she works as Associate Curator at Arcade Gallery and as Curatorial Assistant on assigned projects at Serpentine Galleries. Since 2019 she is curator at DEMO Moving Image.

The collaboration with Caterina Avataneo has begun almost a year ago. After having to postpone the exhibition (for two months) in November 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it can nevertheless initially only be presented online. Therefore, the gallery has put together a comprehensive online program, which will be presented over the course of the next few weeks. As we are convinced that online formats cannot replace the on-site art experience, we hope to guide you through this special exhibition in person by March 11, 2021.

Exhibition text by Caterina Avataneo

2021 opened its doors to a global population in conflict; divided but interconnected, and thus exposed and vulnerable, sharing a planet in the very same conditions. Coexistence seems to be among the most pressing issues in need for a radical re-thinking both on a planetary and molecular scale, yet its understanding is at the basis of great asperity.

Operating through allusive references and lyrical registers, On Survival addresses the ambiguities and tensions behind contrasting modalities of human subsistence and in particular their tendency towards mutual care and solidarity, or self-preservation and societal withdrawal. The evocative qualities of materials, forms and imagery relating to the basics for survival, are brought to the fore in order to stage – and undo – ideas and stereotypes of both collectivity and heremitic isolation, exposing their inherent contradictions.

The show presents simultaneously convivial and hostile situations, which overlap, threatening any sense of safety on the one hand, and allowing a post-prosperity vitality to emerge on the other. In such a ruinous landscape, the modalities of human participation rest rather unresolved, and looking at survival becomes an excuse to ponder upon perceptions of community and immunity at a moment when the understanding of such ideas is increasingly shaping political strategies and collective conscience around future ecologies of endurance.

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Chiara Camoni & die Workshop Teilnehmer*innen in Mostyn, Wales, Untitled (A tent), 2019, Brass, vegetal print on silk, h = 175, Ø 211 cm

Chiara Camoni & die Workshop Teilnehmer*innen in Mostyn, Wales, Untitled (A tent), 2019, Brass, vegetal print on silk, h = 175, Ø 211 cm

Helene Appel, Oak, 2019, Watercolor on linen, 292 x 37 cm; Helene Appel, Oak, 2019, Watercolor on linen, 272 x 17 cm

Helene Appel, Oak, 2019, Watercolor on linen, 292 x 37 cm

Helene Appel, Oak, 2019, Watercolor on linen, 272 x 17 cm

Helene Appel, Erde, 2020, Watercolor and acrylic on linen, 54,5 x 52 cm

Helene Appel, Erde, 2020, Watercolor and acrylic on linen, 54,5 x 52 cm

Helene Appel, Erde, 2020, Watercolor and acrylic on linen, 54,5 x 52 cm

Hanna-Maria Hammari, Untitled (Trap), 2019, Glazed ceramic and steel screws, 15 x 37,5 x 41 cm

Hanna-Maria Hammari, Untitled (Trap), 2019, Glazed ceramic and steel screws, 15 x 37,5 x 41 cm

Hanna-Maria Hammari, Untitled (Trap), 2019, Glazed ceramic and steel screws, 15 x 37,5 x 41 cm

Hanna-Maria Hammari, Untitled (Trap), 2019, Glazed ceramic and steel screws17 x 36 x 40 cm

Andrew Norman Wilson, Z = |Z/Z•Z-1 mod 2|-1: Lavender Town Syndrome, 2020, Video HD, Sound, 13′ 43”

Andrew Norman Wilson, Z = |Z/Z•Z-1 mod 2|-1: Lavender Town Syndrome, 2020, Video HD, Sound, 13′ 43”

Andrew Norman Wilson, Z = |Z/Z•Z-1 mod 2|-1: The Old Victrola, 2020, Video HD, Sound, 13′ 43”

Andrew Norman Wilson, Z = |Z/Z•Z-1 mod 2|-1: The Old Victrola, 2020, Video HD, Sound, 13′ 43”

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Boban Andjelkovic, Dive, 2020, Collage, ink and watercolor on paper, 45 x 35 cm

Boban Andjelkovic, Dive, 2020, Collage, ink and watercolor on paper, 45 x 35 cm

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Alan Stefanato, New Moon, 2020, Oil on canvas, 151 x 160 cm

Alan Stefanato, New Moon, 2020, Oil on canvas, 151 x 160 cm

Alan Stefanato, The inhabitant of the rotten wood, 2019, Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Piotr Łakomy, Suspended Life, 2017-2020, Body bag, paint, resin, aluminum honeycomb, wire, bolts, ostrich eggs, 250 x 50 x 15 cm

Piotr Łakomy, Suspended Life, 2017-2020, Body bag, paint, resin, aluminum honeycomb, wire, bolts, ostrich eggs, 250 x 50 x 15 cm

Piotr Łakomy, Leftover or I Barely Remember aka Bone Face, 2020, Aluminium honeycomb, wax, paint, bamboo pole, 30 x 50 cm

Piotr Łakomy, Leftover or I Barely Remember aka Bone Face, 2020, Aluminium honeycomb, wax, paint, bamboo pole, 30 x 50 cm

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Anastasia Sosunova, Another Dinner Ruined, 2021, PVC sheet, zinc, salt dough, epoxy resin, stickers, spray paint, chain, cardboard

Anastasia Sosunova, Another Dinner Ruined, 2021, PVC sheet, zinc, salt dough, epoxy resin, stickers, spray paint, chain, cardboard

Anastasia Sosunova, Another Dinner Ruined, 2021, PVC sheet, zinc, salt dough, epoxy resin, stickers, spray paint, chain, cardboard

Anastasia Sosunova, Another Dinner Ruined, 2021, PVC sheet, zinc, salt dough, epoxy resin, stickers, spray paint, chain, cardboard

Anastasia Sosunova, Another Dinner Ruined, 2021, PVC sheet, zinc, salt dough, epoxy resin, stickers, spray paint, chain, cardboard

On Survival, 2021, exhibition view, Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Jakob Brugge, Welcome to the Party, 2020, Cotton, 150 x 75 (each)

Jakob Brugge, Welcome to the Party, 2020, Cotton, 150 x 75 (each)

Anastasia Sosunova, Another Dinner Ruined, 2021, PVC sheet, zinc, salt dough, epoxy resin, stickers, spray paint, chain, cardboard

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