
Mit Borrás at Dimora Artica

Artist: Mit Borrás

Exhibition title: Love Drone

Curated by: Dimora Artica

Venue: Dimora Artica, Milan, Italy

Date: June 20 – September 8, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Dimora Artica

Dimora Artica presents in Milan the exhibition Love Drone, a selection of artworks expressly developed by the artist during 2018 for this venue. In this show, Mit Borrás deals through installations and videos with themes such as technology, progress and the intervention of the human being on nature.

Born in Madrid in 1982, Mit Borrás lives and works between Madrid and Berlin.

The drone Volantex Ranger 2000 V757-8 has a 2m wingspan, while the main body is 1,1m in lenght. A light flying object made of expanded polystirene with a 2212 engine powered by 1400KV. The included camera has a 4K resolution, the gyrocompass is an Xpilot and the gyroscope has 6 axes to modify or keep the orientation of the drone Volantex Ranger. Chloé, etymologically Chloé like blooming grass, purchased her flight kit with no assembly included to fly over the Senkaku Islands (尖閣諸島Senkaku-Shotō).

While the drone Volantex Ranger glides above, Chloé waits below; she observes on her 300 dpi mobile device what the drone camera is detecting. The app Choose Your Era allows the observation through a drone of the geology of every terrain in previous eras. In the app, Chloé selected the Neogene period and observes on her screen in time-lapse the lowering of the sea level during the Pleistocene; a 1,8 milion years journey in 2 hours of chimeric entertainment. 2 hours of pure drone.

The work of Mit Borrás is essentially an installation, with objects organized in space with cosmological and ontological order. The artist faces themes like progress and the aesthetic space occupied by technological devices; he deals with drones, artificial arms, plastic, silicones and all kinds of materials offering a certain contemplative pleasure, similar to the one we can feel in front of nature in its expansion. The conception of nature for Mit Borrás makes indivisible what is natural and artificial: he contemplates with the same admiration a 15 metres high cypress or the robotic arm Luke.

Considering the technological era as an era of harmony might be excessive, but there are no doubts on the fact that we can suppose natural and artificial as not necessarily contrasting. Immortality here is not a concept of infinite and indefinite existence; it rather refers to a life in harmony with what surrounds us after the assumption that we can accept the actions of women and men on this planet as acts of research of stability, considering ourselves as explorers of the state of minimal energy and maximal stability. These objects convey the feeling of happiness we experience when we are aware that the products of nature and technology are part of a whole, that the latter doesn’t prevent the development of the former, that there’s no difference between the flight of a red-footed falcon and the charming precision of the design of a Volantex Ranger 2000 V757-8 drone.

Developing the idea that the animal kingdom adapts to nature the same way humans modify nature according to their needs, the artist works with industrial objects conceived for balance and for anatomical adaptation. The idea that the human being is a creature modifying, designing and ergonomizing, is reflected in works similar to sea creatures, organisms adapted to the marine environment.

Text by Rachel Lamot
Translation by Irene Santulli

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