
Maxim Liulca at BARIL

Artist: Maxim Liulca

Exhibition title: As Far As The Eye Can See

Venue: BARIL, Cluj, Romania

Date: August 9 – September 10, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and BARIL

: B A R I L proudly presents the third solo show of Maxim Liulca in our venue. With this occasion, we’ll launch the Maxim Liulca artist catalog, issued by Distanz Verlag Berlin, by the beginning of the year. The exhibition will be opened between 9th of August and 10th of September 2018.

It is fairly clear to me how a painting should look; I have a particular set of aesthetic preferences. I don’t do process painting; a painting develops – is in process – for a final purpose, the object. There are forms that have colour and colours that have form; they have a history in aesthetics, and in western art (which is competitive in nature) they have changed over time. This change doesn’t interest me either, the historical evolution of form and colour; my paintings are not formalist, since form and colour are not their purpose; or merely at the physical level, which is limited anyway, therefore superficial. There are just certain preferences (why some and not others? there’s no point in psychoanalysing here) regarding the external, the physical, then there’s everyone’s signature… my signature in the language I know, then it can’t be parodic. A signature can’t be parodic. It too is limited and infinite at the same time: limited as a sequence of repetition, infinite because of the existence of this repetition.(Maxim Liulca)

Born in 1987 in Tighina (Bender), Moldova, Maxim Liulca studied at the University of Art and Design in Cluj–Napoca from 2005 to 2010. Among his latest solo shows are Flags in 2016 at Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles (USA), Was Sich Bezweit, Bedtritt Sich in 2015 and Paintings in 2013 at Baril Gallery, Cluj–Napoca (RO). In 2015, The right angle policy at Anexa MNAC Bucharest (RO) and in 2014, Bloom at Spazio A Gallery, Pistoia (IT). He has taken part in several group exhibitions, such as Layers, in 2016 at Nicodim Gallery, Bucharest (RO), Appearance and Essence at the 2015 Art Encounters Biennale, Timisoara (RO). In 2014 The Go–Between at Museo Capodimonte, Napoli (IT) and A Few Grams of Red, Yellow, and Blue at Ujazdowsky Castle, Warsaw (PL).

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