
Marian Garrido at Galería Fran Reus

Artist: Marian Garrido

Exhibition title: Time is a wonderful material, flexible and elastic like Spandex Lycra

Venue: Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca, Spain

Date: June 7 – September 15, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

There is nothing more sublime than to think in a rusty Monster can in a field when humanity has become extinct.

The cans of energy drinks work as a metaphor: it is a drink designed to accelerate, to provide artificial energy to the body for the production. It also has a connotation of class and how leisure is a machine of control and consumption. It is the product that defines our century and that can also roam in nature for centuries. To Monsterize is to reach a higher mental state in the era of capitalism.

The episodes of “Caosmotropía” shown throughout the past year in the Young Room of Av. De América and Centro Centro Cibeles in Madrid, they approach the radical subjectivity posed by techno-nomadism and the thought of resistance. The research follows the studies raised by dialogue or the language chronologies of Mikhail Bajín about the medium, going through the culture, remix in which we find the Chthuluceno by Donna Haraway, the techno-utopianism of Terence Mackenna or the post-anarchism of Hakin Bey.

When I talk about Temporary Autonomus Communities, I am referring to minority groups of users who identify themselves as not having a reflection outside the online world, they are new social approaches that have been created through web 2.0. We are talking about an affective bond between them and their collective that comes and goes in time and that can occur in parallel and simultaneously with other social identifications. Unlike subcultures, alternatives to an emerging and majority society or culture, with which the individual identifies himself 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, arriving at a model with his physical appearance as part of their group (Urban Tribes), the Temporary Autonomous Communities emerged with the arrival of the Internet and, are fully integrated into the majority society. To understand it, subcultures are no longer thought as agents that intervene in the margins, they have become private, where it is not necessary to have a physical presence with the peer group and from which you can enter and leave with friends or disconnected 1

By this way, through the stalking and performance techniques in social networks, an audiovisual artifact that crosses suspended times with science fiction narrative is set up, embracing the slimy-limo condition, which is a liminal condition, in the terrain where I’m always moving.

I believe that the viscous condition-social slime is a simultaneous multiple condition.

Time is a wonderful material; Flexible and elastic like a Lycra spandex.

Sample, remix and mashup: liminal practices of the mutant culture. Garrido Herrojo Marian, 2016 (UAM / UCM / Museo Reina Sofía)

Marian Garrido, Time is a wonderful material, flexible and elastic like Spandex Lycra, 2018, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Marian Garrido, Time is a wonderful material, flexible and elastic like Spandex Lycra, 2018, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Marian Garrido, Time is a wonderful material, flexible and elastic like Spandex Lycra, 2018, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Marian Garrido, “Without Title” (2018), Installation, variable measures

Marian Garrido, Electric Slime (2017), Resin and technological waste

Marian Garrido, Electric Slime (2017), Resin and technological waste

Marian Garrido, Electric Slime (2017), Resin and technological waste

Marian Garrido, Electric Slime (2017), Resin and technological waste

Marian Garrido, Caosmotropía 2 (2018), Two channel vídeo (40’) and tunned Arcade Machine

Marian Garrido, Caosmotropía 2 (2018), Two channel vídeo (40’) and tunned Arcade Machine

Marian Garrido, Time is a wonderful material, flexible and elastic like Spandex Lycra, 2018, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Marian Garrido, Time is a wonderful material, flexible and elastic like Spandex Lycra, 2018, exhibition view, Galería Fran Reus, Mallorca

Marian Garrido, S/T (2018), Can with energy drink

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