
Marco Andrea Magni at Galleria Fuoricampo

Artist: Marco Andrea Magni

Exhibition title: FUGGISOLE

Venue: Galleria Fuoricampo, Siena, Italy

Date: February 17 – April 25, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galleria Fuoricampo

Note: Exhibition floor plan can be found here

“Don’t leave me, Drusilla. I’m scared. I’m afraid of the immense loneliness of monsters. Don’t go away.” Fuggisole is all this: a story of water, of fairy-tale characters, of underground worlds brought to light and of fears.

Marco Andrea Magni (Switzerland, 1975) lives and works in Milan. Graduated from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, he obtained an FSE master’s degree in Techniques of Organi-zation and Communication of Visual Arts. He attends the course in Visual Arts at the Antonio Ratti Foundation in Como, curated by Angela Vettese and Giacinto di Pietrantonio, with Richard Nonas. At the IUAV in Venice he took part in seminars on philosophy with Giorgio Agamben, on the history of architecture with Roberto Masiero and on visual art with Remo Salvadori. He works on the condition of possibility and opportunity by rehabilitating the bodily experience declined in a sculpture. His work is articulated along a path that runs from moral philoso-phy to artistic reflection, from the experience of sculpture, to find its epicenter in an interrogation with the other who becomes an interlocutor and measure. The works seem to be ways of being in the world, they are prepared to follow the forms, accepting from time to time the right measures to be inside.

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