
Le Bel Été at Noire Gallery

Artists: Kasper Bosmans, Michal Budny, Valentin Carron, Alexandre da Cunha, Kaye Donachie, Christian Holstad, Sebastian Jefford, Piotr Łakomy, Angelika Loderer, Loup Sarion, Astrid Svangren

Exhibition title: Le Bel Été

Curated by: Domenico de Chirico

Venue: Noire Gallery, Turin, Italy

Date: October 20 – December 1, 2018

Photography: Luisa Porta / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Noire Gallery, Turin

Element by Noire Gallery inaugurates the new space with the collective exhibition entitled “Le Bel Été” curated by Domenico de Chirico. The exhibition takes inspiration from the novel by Cesare Pavese La bella estate, displaying works by Kasper Bosmans, Michal Budny, Valentin Carron, Alexandre da Cunha, Kaye Donachie, Christian Holstad, Sebastian Jefford, Piotr Łakomy, Angelika Loderer, Loup Sarion, Astrid Svangren.

When thinking about the exhibition, Domenico de Chirico is guided by the work of Cesare Pavese, one of the greatest Italian intellectuals of the twentieth century, particularly linked to the Piedmontese and Turin areas.

The protagonist of the novel is a young woman who comes into contact and remains fascinated by  the sparkling artistic world of the city. Her desire to explore and discover new realities and her overwhelming passion – which will last only one summer’s time – affects de Chirico, who presents the magic of youthful feelings, both intense and changeable, the hope in future, the strength and the untiring dynamism typical of the young age.

«Life was a perpetual holiday in those days. We had only to leave the house and step across the street and we became quite mad. Everything was so wonderful, especially at night when on our way back, dead tired, we still longed for something to happen, for a fire to break out, for a baby to be born in the house or at least for a sudden coming of dawn that would bring all the people out into the streets, and we might walk on and on as far as the meadows and beyond the hills…»

from Cesare Pavese, The Beautiful Summer, Einaudi, I vol., 1962, pag. 187

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Alexandre da Cunha

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Angelika Loderer

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Angelika Loderer

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Angelika Loderer

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Astrid Svangren

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Christian Holstad

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Kasper Bosmans

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Kaye Donachie

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Loup Sarion

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Piotr Lakomy

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Sebastian Jefford

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Valentin Carron

Le Bel Été, 2018, exhibition view, Noire Gallery, Turin, work by Valentin Carron

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