
Karim Noureldin at RIBOT

Artist: Karim Noureldin

Exhibition title: Tekati

Venue: RIBOT, Milan, Italy

Date: March 7 – April 28, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and RIBOT

RIBOT is pleased to present Tekati, Karim Noureldin’s (Zurich, 1967, he lives and works in Lausanne) first solo show in Italy. On the occasion of this exhibition, the artist implements his multidisciplinary approach, distinguished by a fine balance between site specific wallpaintings, works on paper and textile works.

A wallpainting of the gallery’s first floor welcomes the visitors. Diagonal segments and groups of colorful lines branch out from the lower corners to the upper ones, creating a visual movement which underlines and highlights the existing gallery space’ architectu-re. This site specific installation is completed by works on paper from the series entitled “Equinox”, distinguished by drawn lines and colors combined with bespoke, individually colored frames, underlying the object-like aspects of these brand new work.

The peculiarity of this artist’s transversal language can also be found in “Des”, a pre-cious tapestry located on the lower floor and hand made in collaboration with master weavers from Panipat (India). While the piece recalls the age-long tradition of stone in-lays, mosaics and other floor based pictures, it also connects with the artist’s interest for spacial structures. On the walls, drawings from the series entitled “Play” create a kind of figurative “acoustic sound”, breaking visually up the silence and the stillness of the installation.

Noureldin’s research starts from interests in investigating geometric characters of the space, when related to the presence of images and objects. Taking references to Mondrian’s De Stijl, Bauhaus’ architectural studies and Minimalism and using an union between art and art and crafts – peculiar to his work – Karim Noureldin’s artistic works might remind of a rationalism fusioned with a more playful aspect, expressed through abstract forms, colors and objects.

Commissioned by RIBOT on each show as a special project, for Tekati Karim Noureldin has produced a limited serie of large sized lithographs.

Karim Noureldin (Zurich, 1967, lives and works in Lausanne). He studied at the University of Art and Design, Basel, and at the University of the Arts, Zurich. Since 2002, he helds an associate pro-fessorship at ECAL/ University of Art and Design, Lausanne. His works has been exhibited in in-ternational institutions, such as Kunstmuseum Basel, 2017; Westfälisches Landesmuseum LWL Münster, 2017; Musée de Cambrai, 2016; Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders, Bergisch-Gladbach, 2015; Centre d’Art Contemporain Yverdon CACY, 2015; Kunst(Zeug)haus Rapperswil, 2014; Kunstmu-seum, Bonn, 2007; MAMCO Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Geneva, 2005; Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 2004; Kunsthalle Basel, 2002; Kunsthaus Zurich, 1998; Swiss Institute SI New York, 1997. Noureldin has also been awarded with several prizes, among which Manor Art Price, 2004; Swiss Art Award, 1997; and the Kiefer Hablitzel Award, 1997.

Karim Noureldin, Tekati, installation view, 2018, RIBOT gallery

Karim Noureldin, Tekati, installation view, 2018, RIBOT gallery

Karim Noureldin, Tekati, installation view, 2018, RIBOT gallery

Karim Noureldin, Tekati, installation view, 2018, RIBOT gallery

Karim Noureldin, Equinox, 2018, colored pencil, wood, glass, 124x105cm

Karim Noureldin, Play, 2018, colored pencil on paper, 42×29.7cm

Karim Noureldin, Equinox, 2018, colored pencil, wood, glass, 124x105cm

Karim Noureldin, Play, 2018, colored pencil on paper, 42×29.7cm

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