
Kamilla Bischof & Amar Priganica at Fonda

Artists: Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica

Exhibition title: Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung

Curated by: Julius Pristauz

Venue: Fonda, Leipzig, Germany

Date: November 16 – December 7, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fonda, Leipzig

In Greek mythology, the mission of the goddess Eos was to always announce the coming day each morning. She did that by emerging out of the ocean in the east, with her cart. Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung (Always Morning After Dawn) presents two positions who –– through the media of painting and drawing –– explore the abstract and at times fantastic depiction of humans, their surroundings and everyday life. The displayed selection focuses on scenes of the night and the morning where one encounters wild creatures and animals as well as fabulous hybrids. Within the motifs, protagonists blur, dissolve, detach from or compose each other. This time, the selected works do not only comment on processes, repetition, and cycles but also argue some kind of rhythm. How can we move with regards to witnessing a law of na-ture which through continuous repetition sets our pace?

When dreams are being repeated while they constantly invent themselves, where do these fee-lings of eternal awakening manifest?

Romantic, dark yet picturesque landscapes lead the visitors through the space in several steps. In an architecture of our imagination, different times of the day are as easily merged as biblical quotations and fashionable accessories, gothic architecture and edgy interior.

The night is being treated as space and time for dreams and fantasy, as a temporary tool for stopping, as a possibility to escape seemingly never-ending circular movements. But what about the morning? The snoozing, the dull dizziness when one eye slowly opens? In a moment where myths meet reality: Who could say that she didn’t just go to bed?

Let its morning stars be dark; let it be looking for light, but may it not have any; let it not see the eyes of the dawn.
Job 3:9

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Amar Priganica, Selbstporträt als Eos, 2019

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Amar Priganica, Untitled, 2019

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

Kamilla Bischof, Untitled, 2019

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

Kamilla Bischof, Tugend auf Reh, 2016

Kamilla Bischof, Tugend auf Reh, 2016

Kamilla Bischof, Amar Priganica, Immer Morgen nach der Dämmerung, 2019, exhibition view, Fonda, Leipzig

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