
JUMANJI at Soft Focus Institute

Mathias Prenen_PBALUSTER_2015

Artists: Audrey Cottin, Adam Cruces, Marijke De Roover, Eleanor Duffin, John Finneran, Riley Harmon, Sophie Jung, Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir, Hannah Lees, Kris Lemsalu, Nancy Lupo, Ria Pacquée, Angelo Plessas, Mike Pratt, Mathias Prenen, Marthe Ramm Fortun, R&F F&R, Eric Sidner, Sibran Sampers, Hayley Aviva Silverman, Birde Vanheerswynghels, Tamara Van San

Exhibition title: JUMANJI

Venue: Soft Focus Institute, Ghent, Belgium

Date: February 27 – March 26, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Soft Focus Institute, Ghent

A game for those who seek to find
a way to leave their world behind.
You roll the dice to move your token.
Doubles gets another turn.
And the first player to reach the end wins.
You wanna play?

JUMANJI is a spiritually challenging and interactive exhibition. Its title refers to the eponymous film and is the name of a game ‘for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind’. The artists in JUMANJI open up unconventional ways of thinking about nature, mysticism and shamanism, exploring different aspects of the psychology and inherent conflicts between our rational and instinctive self. Each artist, in their own way, pushes contemporary conditions to extremes, envisioning potential realities that we may one day face. Out of a concern for social and personal health the exhibition questions the effects of magic, religion and spirituality on the sustainability of our society.

JUMANJI is an exhibition that evokes energy among people and tries to lead them to a general reflection on consciousness. Through the installation the beholder explores his or her own spirituality. The exhibition will be completed by a program of performances, film presentations, public talks and a simple open kitchen to gather people into a collective sense of being

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Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (02)

Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (03)

Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (04)

Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (05)

Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (06)

Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (07)

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Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (09)

Soft Focus Institute_JUMANJI (10)

Birde Vanheerswynghels_Untitled_2016(01)

Birde Vanheerswynghels, Untitled, 2016

Eric Sidner_Untitled(01)_2015(01)

Eric Sidner, Untitled, 2015

Eric Sidner_Untitled(02)_2015(01)

Eric Sidner, Untitled, 2015

Hannah Lees_Tablet XXVI_2015

Hannah Lees, Tablet XXVI, 2015

Hayley Silverman_Fortitude_2015

Hayley Silverman, Fortitude, 2015

Hayley Silverman_Hospitality_2015

Hayley Silverman, Hospitality, 2015

Hayley Silverman_Modesty_2015

Hayley Silverman, Modesty, 2015

Hayley Silverman_Understanding_2014

Hayley Silverman, Understanding, 2015

John Finneran_BlueSpirits_2015

John Finneran, Blue Spirits, 2015

John Finneran_OceanDreams_2015

John Finneran, Ocean Dreams, 2015

Kris Lemsalu_Treasure Box Violence_2016

Kris Lemsalu, Treasure Box Violence, 2016

Marthe Ramm Fortun_Event_2016(01)

Marthe Ramm Fortun, Event, 2016

Mathias Prenen_PBALUSTER_2015

Mathias Prenen, #BALUSTER#SeiShonagon, 2015

Mike Pratt_Ear_2015(01)

Mike Pratt, Ear, 2015

Mike Pratt_FormalShrubbery_2014(01)

Mike Pratt, Formal Shrubbery, 2014

Nancy Lupo_CoyoteCord_2015

Nancy Lupo, Coyote Cord, 2015

Riley Harmon_CompressionArtifacts_2015-photo courtesy GJ van Rooij

Riley Harmon, Compression Artifacts, 2015

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert_Dice_2015(01)

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert, Go away sorrow of the world – Dice, 2015

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert_Dice_2015(02)

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert, Go away sorrow of the world – Dice, 2015

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert_Prijswinnaar nr6_2014

Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert, Prizewinner nr. 6, 2014

Sophie Jung_La Chasse_2016

Sophie Jung, La Chasse Par Force, 2016

Sophie Jung_Toucan_2016

Sophie Jung, (Toucan play this game but only one can win, I ain’t Lion) Cool Story Bro, Tell it again, 2016

Sophie Jung_Toucan_2016(detail)

Sophie Jung, (Toucan play this game but only one can win, I ain’t Lion) Cool Story Bro, Tell it again, 2016

Tamara Van San_How Anxiety_2015

Tamara Van San, How Anxiety Affects the Eyes, 2015

Tamara Van San_In a wildest moment_2009(01)

Tamara Van San, In a wildest moment, 2009

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