
Inside Her at VCA


Artists: Hana Earles, Ruby Fitzgerald, Lachlan Gentle, Katherine Botten, Oscar Miller, Untitled McCausland, Evie Poggioli, Calum Lockey

Exhibition title: Inside Her

Curated by: Katherine Botten

Venue: VCA, Melbourne, Australia

Date:  May 6, 2016

Photography: Evie Poggioli, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and

51 calum lockey

Calum Lockey, 2015







8 lachlan gentle

Lachlan Gentle, 2016

9 lachlan gentle

Lachlan Gentle, 2016

10 lachlan gentle

Lachlan Gentle, 2016

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Untitled McCausland, 2016

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Untitled McCausland, 2016

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Untitled McCausland, 2016

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Untitled McCausland, 2016

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Untitled McCausland, 2016

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Untitled McCausland, 2016

17 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

18 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

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Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

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Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

21 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

22 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

23 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

24 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

25 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

26 ruby fitzgerald

Ruby Fitzgerald, 2016

27 evie poggioli

Evie Poggioli, 2016

28 evie poggioli

Evie Poggioli, 2016

29 evie poggioli

Evie Poggioli, 2016

30 evie poggioli

Evie Poggioli, 2016


Oscar Miller, 2016

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Oscar Miller, 2016

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Oscar Miller, 2016

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Oscar Miller, 2016

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Oscar Miller, 2016

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Oscar Miller, 2016

37 oscar miller

Oscar Miller, 2016

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Oscar Miller, 2016

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Katherine Botten, 2016

40 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

41 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

42 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

43 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

44 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

45 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

46 katherine botten

Katherine Botten, 2016

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Hana Earles, 2016

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Hana Earles, 2016

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Hana Earles, 2016

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Hana Earles, 2016

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