
Francesco De Bernardi at Triangolo

Artist: Francesco De Bernardi

Exhibition title: Getting attached to (…) is difficult

Venue: Triangolo, Cremona, Italy

Date: December 2, 2023 – February 3, 2024

Photography: all images courtesy of the artist and Triangolo, Cremona

Triangolo is pleased to announce Getting attached to (…) is difficult, marking the debut solo show in Italy by Francesco De Bernardi (1995). The exhibition, showcasing a selection of new works by the artist, will be on view from December 2nd at the gallery’s space in Cremona.

Francesco De Bernardi’s artistic practice is based on the perception of daily life and its inherent duality: everyday occurrences are reimagined by the artist with an ironic touch, which serves as a fundamental element to read through the lines of his melancholic poetics. The scenes and characters in De Bernardi’s work expose their vulnerabilities and contradictions while caught in ordinary life.

Getting attached to (…) is difficult presents a series of sculptural works and pieces on paper. Through a series of representations of Agnès, the partner of the protagonist in Emmanuel Carrère’s novel The Mustache, the artist stages a particular type of uncertainty, linked to indecisiveness, where two alternatives are held in suspension, both present, both undeniable, yet perfectly incompatible.

Affection shapes one’s memories of places, people, and objects; individual lives and actions are influenced by what one remembers or desires to recall. The suggestion of an alternative direction prompts doubt, subsequently reconfiguring the very essence of memory. This is what happens to the main character in the novel The Mustache, when he realizes that Agnès has failed to notice the absence of his mustache, a defining feature of his persona.

The opening of Getting attached to (…) is difficult will take place on Saturday, December 2nd, at 6 p.m. at Triangolo’s location in via Stella 14, Cremona. The exhibition will be on view until February 3rd, 2024, following the gallery’s opening times from Thursday to Saturday from 3pm to 7pm.

Francesco De Bernardi (b. 1995 Vimercate, Italy) lives and works in Milan. He has exhibited in several institutional and non-institutional contexts, including: Galerie Crèvecoeur (2019, Paris, FR); Villa Necchi (2019, Milan, IT); Lokal-int (2020, Bienne, CH), Centre d’Art Contemporaine (2021, Geneva, CH); Sonnestube (2022, Lugano, CH); Peres Project (2022, Milan, IT); Café des Glaces (2023, Tonnerre, FR).

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