
Flaka Haliti at Deborah Schamoni

Artist: Flaka Haliti

Exhibition title: Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool

Venue: Deborah Schamoni, Munich, Germany

Date: March 13 – May 23, 2020

Photography: Ulrich Gebert, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Deborah Schamoni is pleased to present Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool, an exhibition of new work by the Munich – based artist Flaka Haliti.  This will be Haliti´s first solo exhibition with the gallery  after joint presentations at Art Basel (Statements [2018] and Parcour [2017]).

In her drawings, photographs, sculptures and installations Flaka Haliti explores a world of digital post-humanity. The global power structures and liquefied control mechanisms effective in it are temporarily broken up through the use of poetry, humor and analysis. Her artistic work can perhaps best be described as a “thinking of human life” that points beyond itself and yet is not afraid of conflict with its own materiality.

Linguistic as well as material reference systems are connected with each other in such a way that in the exhibition Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool a hybrid gallery space is created: photographs and collages of possible water surfaces and lunar landscapes, processed with resin for more fluidity, are shown together with two-dimensional deep sea creatures, what are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? (2019), as well as with large-format digital collages, What to do? (2020) and Who is going to do? (2020). In the face of extreme political affects, Haliti’s titles pose the question of responsibility: Who is looking at me, you or us in the age of extractive capitalism and planetary natural forces?

In challenging times, the freedom to “lose my cool” is rather a performative task than a given option. It is a liquid condition that releases a subject-object-capacity that allows both, being-in-the-world and being-beyond-the-world. A political consequence of such a condition is that it does not anticipate or neutralise the effects of what follows. The characteristic of fluidity is to be bound to time and less to space, i.e. to surrender completely to motion.

-Sophie Goltz

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool, 2020, exhibition view, Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool, 2020, exhibition view, Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Installation view, Flaka Haliti, What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #1 and #2

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool, 2020, exhibition view, Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Flaka Haliti, What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #1 (detail), 2019, foil print, polyeurethane resin, spray paint, galvanized steel water pipes, sand, 242 x 227 x 90 cm

Flaka Haliti What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #2, 2019, foil print, polyeurethane resin, spray paint, galvanized steel water pipes, sand, 237 x 233 x 90 cm

Flaka Haliti What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #2, 2019, foil print, polyeurethane resin, spray paint, galvanized steel water pipes, sand, 237 x 233 x 90 cm

Flaka Haliti What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #2 (detail), 2019, foil print, polyeurethane resin, spray paint, galvanized steel water pipes, sand, 237 x 233 x 90 cm

Flaka Haliti What are they thinking that we thinking that they thinking we going to do next? #2 (detail), 2019, foil print, polyeurethane resin, spray paint, galvanized steel water pipes, sand, 237 x 233 x 90 cm

Installation view Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #, 2020

Installation view Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #, 2020

Installation view Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #, 2020

Installation view Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #, 2020

Installation view Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #, 2020

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool, 2020, exhibition view, Deborah Schamoni, Munich

Flaka Haliti, What to do?, 2020, Fine Art print behind glass, resin, 170 x 103 cm

Installation view, Flaka Haliti, Who is going to do?, 2020

Flaka Haliti, Who is going to do?, 2020, Fine Art print behind glass, resin, 170 x 112 cm

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #1, 2020, Fine Art print behind glass, resin, 100 x 120 cm

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #2, 2020, Fine Art print behind glass, resin, 100 x 120 cm

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #4, 2020, Fine Art print behind glass, resin, 100 x 120 cm

Flaka Haliti, Watchu expect me to do when I lose my cool? #5, 2020, Fine Art print behind glass, resin, 100 x 120 cm

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