
Émilie Pitoiset at Klemm’s

Artist: Émilie Pitoiset

Exhibition title: Maniac

Venue: Klemm’s, Berlin, Germany

Date: September 11 – October 24, 2020

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset is an artist and a choreographer. In her work, she analyses episodes of popular culture spanning from the medieval period to today, trying to understand the urgency that exists in times of social, economic and political crises to produce new forms of existence through music and dance. She also delves into the impact of music and club culture, when bodies meet and shapes start shifting, working across several media, from dance and music performances to photography, video and installations.

The instructions accelerate in time with the rhythm: “Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now),” “Rhythm Is A Dancer, Get Up (Before the Night Is Over).” The marathon has begun! Just as if it was a race against slumber, how would you ward off the spell?

MANIAC is an exhibition inspired by a theme that has fascinated Émilie Pitoiset for a long time: the vio-lence engendered by dance marathons. Dance marathons have their origins in the U.S. during the Great Depression and are linked in Pitoiset’s work to the 1980s and the Cold War, a period which also wit-nessed the AIDS crisis and the ascent to power of conservative governments in the U.S. and the UK. These events fostered a brutalization of social and intimate relationships, paving the way for our contempo-rary neoliberal era.

Dancing until the point of exhaustion is also political, an act of resistance, a way of keeping faith or even fighting reality by staying awake as long as possible. A phenomenon that has now existed for centuries, going back to the first dance epidemics of the Middle Ages, dance has always been used as a form of protest, or, to allude to the famous Bee Gees song, for “Stayin’ Alive.”

Emilie Pitoiset (b. in Noisy Le Grand in 1980) is an artist, writer, and choreographer. Since 2013, she has been teaching at the IsdaT – institute supérieur des arts de Toulouse where she heads a research seminar in partnership with CNAP – Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Stage Studies on Dance & Choreography. She will soon be collaborating with the masters’ program at ICI-CCN Centre Chorégraphique National of Montpellier and its director Christian Rizzo.

Recent exhibitions include: It took the night to believe, Goethe Pop Up Minneapolis, Minneapolis; In the Spotlight of the Night – Life in the Gloom, Museum Marta Herford, Herford; Trois fois rien, Centre National de la Danse, Pantin; Festival Move, Centre Pompidou, Paris; Rehearsal, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong; The Vanishing Lady, KLEMM‘S, Berlin; An exhibition of a dream, curated by Mathieu Copeland & FM Einheit, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Paris; Back to Mulholland Drive, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, La Panacée, Montpellier; happy ending, curated by Florence Derieux, Frac Champagne Ardenne, Reims and The Third Party, Double Feature program, Schirn Museum, Frankfurt.

Her work is included in various collections, including: MNAM – Centre Pompidou, Fond National d’art Con-temporain, Frac Ile de France, Frac Champagne Ardenne, Frac Paca, Frac Auvergne, Musée Départemen-tal d’Art Contemporain de Rochechouart, EVN Sammlung, DZ Bank Sammlung, Sammlung Philara, Lenbachhaus, and Munich’s Pinakothek.

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #6, 2017, Metal structure, silver fox fur, hand crafted pants, woolen chain scarf, and hood, 140 x 120 x 100 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #8, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted bombers, tire spikes, anti-theft clothes, pants, and hood, 165 x 123 x 70 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Wild Rose, 2017, Metal structure, hand crafted seat belt dress, and hood, 156 x 60 x 58 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Wild Rose, 2017, Metal structure, hand crafted seat belt dress, and hood, 156 x 60 x 58 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Wild Rose, 2017, Metal structure, hand crafted seat belt dress, and hood, 156 x 60 x 58 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #7, 2017, Metal structure, green plastic raincoat, and hood, 160 x 51 x 65 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #7, 2017, Metal structure, green plastic raincoat, and hood, 160 x 51 x 65 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #8, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted bombers, tire spikes, anti-theft clothes, pants, and hood, 165 x 123 x 70 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #8, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted bombers, tire spikes, anti-theft clothes, pants, and hood, 165 x 123 x 70 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #8, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted bombers, tire spikes, anti-theft clothes, pants, and hood, 165 x 123 x 70 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #9, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted pearl collar, sweatshirt, jeans, rings, metal eyelets, and hood, 173 x 65 x 75 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #9, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted pearl collar, sweatshirt, jeans, rings, metal eyelets, and hood, 173 x 65 x 75 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #9, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted pearl collar, sweatshirt, jeans, rings, metal eyelets, and hood, 173 x 65 x 75 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #6, 2017, Metal structure, silver fox fur, hand crafted pants, woolen chain scarf, and hood, 140 x 120 x 100 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #6, 2017, Metal structure, silver fox fur, hand crafted pants, woolen chain scarf, and hood, 140 x 120 x 100 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #6, 2017, Metal structure, silver fox fur, hand crafted pants, woolen chain scarf, and hood, 140 x 120 x 100 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #9, 2020, Metal structure, hand crafted pearl collar, sweatshirt, jeans, rings, metal eyelets, and hood, 173 x 65 x 75 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #7, 2017, Metal structure, green plastic raincoat, and hood, 160 x 51 x 65 cm

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #10, 2020, Helmet, paint, 27 x 35 x 20 cm each

Émilie Pitoiset, Not Yet Titled #10, 2020, Helmet, paint, 27 x 35 x 20 cm each

Émilie Pitoiset, Maniac, 2020, exhibition view, Klemm’s, Berlin

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