
Dreamcatcher at beacon

Artists: Angélique Aubrit, Ludovic Beillard, Alessandro Fogo, Stefan Fuchs, Eva Koťátková, Sarah Księska

Exhibition title: Dreamcatcher

Venue: beacon, Munich, Germany

Date: March 26 – May 28, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and beacon, Munich

beacon is pleased to present dreamcatcher – a group exhibition that brings into dialogue the surrealist potentials and visions of painterly and sculptural works by Angélique Aubrit, Ludo-vic Beillard, Alessandro Fogo, Stefan Fuchs, Eva Koťátková and Sarah Księska.

Our general concept of reality is often based on the scientific assumption that it is something that can be measured and verified through research. Viewed from this perspective, non-measurable states of affairs that do not produce methodically ascertainable interaction, such as the content of dreams, desires, ideas, and thoughts, are not considered to be reality. The six artists in the exhibition disregard the evaluation criteria of the resulting opposing categories, such as reality – virtuality, emotionality – rationality, spirituality – materiality, and in general, body – mind.

The works brought together in the exhibition illustrate dreams, visions, the fantastic, and the unconscious in different ways. They thus illuminate a reality that resists the understanding that a rational belief or action can be justified in favour of free spaces of possibility.

With playful, mystical, poetic, and critical allusions, they depict a farsightedness that is not satisfied with dualistic symbolic constructs but opens up new realms of meaning. Multi-layered motifs of anthromorphic figures and elements also turn the works into a supposed counterpart. As potential projection surfaces and places of narration, they raise questions about images of people, identities, and models of representation, and in the process also confront the viewers themselves with their subjective sensibilities.

Individually and within their collective dialogue, the positions assembled in dreamcatcher exist in a universe animated by imaginary worlds, supernatural phenomena and anthropomorphic states of consciousness that do not follow any explicable logic or social standardisation. Understanding the artistic formulations gathered here does not require categorical juxtapositions and the resulting explicability of basic oppositions, because the powerful aesthetic visions feed their narratives from an unbiased interior.

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Sarah Księska, Mass, 2020, oil and acrylic on patinated aluminum, 225 x 120 cm

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard, personnage 2 (Lilas), 2022, wood, fabric, cardboard, 33 x 24 x 15 cm

Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard, personnage 2 (Lilas), 2022, wood, fabric, cardboard, 33 x 24 x 15 cm (detail

Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard, personnage 1 (Pensée), 2022, wood, fabric, cardboard, 33 x 24 x 15 cm

Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard, personnage 1 (Pensée), 2022, wood, fabric, cardboard, 33 x 24 x 15 cm (detail)

Eva Koťátková, Exhausted head I, 2021, textile costume, strings, metal, 140 x 100 x 90 cm

Sarah Księska, Sicherheit [Safety], 2019, acrylics on Tetrapack, 117 x 92 cm

Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard, personnage 1 (Pensée), 2022, wood, fabric, cardboard, 33 x 24 x 15 cm (detail)

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Alessandro Fogo, Medusa, 2021, oil on linen, 31 x 68 cm

Alessandro Fogo, Power of a candle, 2022, oil on linen, 60 x 50 cm

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

Stefan Fuchs, Ceremony and science, 2022, acrylic and aluminium pigment on canvas, 165 x 125 cm

Eva Koťátková, from the series Dream machine is asleep, 2018 wood, metal, strings, 4 works of different sizes

Stefan Fuchs, Patterns for a near future; snail II, 2022, acrylic on canvas, artists frame, 27 x 20 cm

Dreamcatcher, 2022, exhibition view,  beacon, Munich

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