
David Hanes at Spazio ORR

Artist: David Hanes

Exhibition title: Powerless

Venue: Spazio ORR, Brescia, Italy

Date: May 21 – June 18, 2020

Photography: all images courtesy of the artist and Spazio ORR, Brescia


As everyday people living in this brave new world, we may react to the word “powerless” in a diversity of manners. Some of us realize that a more accurate description of our current situation simply could not exist, and admit to the idea of powerlessness with a sense of relief. Others shudder at the word, connecting it with personal failing or believing that it indicates some kind of character deficiency. But put simply, we are powerless whenever there is a driving force in our lives that is beyond our control.

Some of you may wonder, “what is this all about?” Well, I have prepared below, a series of questions and suggestions on the topic: “Powerless”. You may feel compelled to answer these questions. If you do, be not afraid. Each of us has experienced at least some degree of powerlessness. We may even be experiencing some today.

Keeping that in mind, I’d like to present this text as a sort of service and platform –or tool– for relief. To all those reading this, you are under no obligation to participate in this endeavour, there is also no rush. This is not a race. There is also no expectation whatsoever. To all those willing, I offer this text as a kind of circumstantial solution to be used freely.

Please take your time. Try not to overthink it. Use your judgement.

For those of you who do decide to complete the questions below, it may be that you also feel the need to share your findings with someone else. If you do, then please consider sharing them via the following private email address:

Your writing will be acknowledged and thanked privately through email. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything you send will be under complete and strict confidentiality and anonymity. It will never be used for anything. All benefits from this endeavour will be self-fulfilling. The reward is what you make of it.

It is my hope that every person who uses this text will be encouraged and inspired. I am grateful to be given the opportunity to help any in need. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.

After having read this, and for those of you who are still slightly confused, if you find yourself without the desire to learn more, simply stop here. Though I would only suggest that you continue reading and to try and keep an open mind.

1) Ask yourself, over what, exactly, am I powerless?

2) Make a list of all the life-altering and influential experiences you’ve had in your life.

3) Write 2 pieces on each of those experiences. Long or short, whatever comes intuitively.

4) Think about what powerlessness means to you personally, and re-read your writing. Take notes.

5) Were you ever powerless in any of those experiences? How?

6) Thinking about powerlessness, write a searching and fearless response about your experiences.

Understanding powerlessness will help each of us to get over any negative feelings we may be having about the concept. Through answering these questions honestly and willingly, we may begin to recognize the truth about powerlessness in our lives. Moving beyond our reservations, we learn to accept ourselves more profoundly. Perhaps, we are ready for a change. Perhaps, we are willing to try another way.

Once more, I would remind anyone who is reading this text to know that they are under no obligation to answer or participate in this proposition, however, you may wish to share what you write. Then, if you do, you may also submit your writing to this private email address:

Thank you for your honesty, willingness, and open-mindedness.

Take care, Stay safe, Bless.

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