
David Bernstein at P/////AKT

Artist: David Bernstein

Exhibition title: Because most of the cosmos is compost

Venue: P/////AKT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: September 10 – October 8, 2017

Photography: Charlott Markus, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and P/////AKT, Amsterdam

Featuring works by: Lee Castro, Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson, Géraldine Longueville, Marianne Theunissen, Terry Vreeburg, and Junsheng Zhou.

Because most of the cosmos is compost is a healing space of relaxation, reflection, and hospitality. Our world today is filled with a sense of rotting in the air. But there is hope that we are just composting, going through the shit so we can arrive to a new fertility; a new space of joyful growth.

In order to activate the juices of the compost energy, the exhibition is filled with cozy couches, air filtering NASA plants, a bar serving a potion for improving artistic capacities, a cosmic sauna, and several sweaty events are organized. You are invited to come hydrate, use the Saunra (a sauna with the music of Sun Ra inside of a Fiat Multipla), or request a private Obsessy session – where you touch sassy abstract objects and talk.

David will live at the exhibition and perform during opening hours. Obsessys are available throughout the duration of the exhibition by walk-in or scheduled appointments.

Every Thursday night the exhibition will be open until 1:00 AM for evening sauna sessions where an invited guest will make a presentation.

David Bernstein (1988, San Antonio, Texas) is an artist based in Brussels and Amsterdam. He combines performance, sculpture, and writing to tell stories through objects.

In 2017, after a year of Pense-Bête and its various objects, P/////AKT is venturing out into the wider scope of Thinging: thinking with things, about things and through things as a method for rethinking the model of a solo exhibition as an activated environment.

Thinging is featuring solo exhibitions by Evita Vasiljeva, Lorelinde Verhees, Francesco Pedraglio, Nickel van Duijvenboden, David Bernstein and Nicolás Lamas. Curator/writer Vincent van Velsen and artist duo Sander Breure & Witte van Hulzen are participating as an editorial board for generating additional output throughout the year, together with P/////AKT and the artists.

Thanks to: Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Ammodo.

Special thanks to: The contributing artists and guest speakers, Matteo Casarin, Sophia Holst, everyone at P/////AKT, Nieuw Dakota, Tanja Karreman, Agnes Voskamp, NDSM Stichting, Rieke Vos, Rosa Sijben, Suat Ögüt and Lyan Augustuszoon / Bun Tesi.

David Bernstein, Because most of the cosmos is compost, installation view at P/////AKT, 2017

David Bernstein, Because most of the cosmos is compost, installation view at P/////AKT, 2017

David Bernstein, Because most of the cosmos is compost, installation view at P/////AKT, 2017

David Bernstein, Because most of the cosmos is compost, installation view at P/////AKT, 2017

David Bernstein, Because most of the cosmos is compost, installation view at P/////AKT, 2017

From left to right: Bathroom architecture by Sophia Holst; David Bernstein, Make your life nicer and better, 2017; Lee Castro, Chapter One – Hook, 2016

David Bernstein, Because most of the cosmos is compost, installation view at P/////AKT, 2017

From left to right: Terry Vreeburg, Relax it’s Romanian Wood; David Bernstein, Nappezoid, 2016-2017; David Bernstein, Obsessy in the sun, 2017

David Bernstein, Make your life nicer and better, 2017; Bathroom architecture by Sophia Holst

From left to right: Lee Castro, Chapter One – Hook, 2016; David Bernstein, Saunra, 2017

David Bernstein, Saunra, detail, 2017

David Bernstein, Saunra, detail, 2017

From left to right: David Bernstein, Saunra, 2017; Marianne Theunissen, Henry, 2015

David Bernstein, NASA plants, 2017

David Bernstein, NASA plants, 2017

David Bernstein, Obsessy, 2016-2017, various sculptures and objects, private sessions of talking and touching

Junsheng Zhou and David Bernstein, Buddha Inside and Outside, 2017; David Bernstein, Obsessy, 2016-2017

David Bernstein, Obsessy, detail, 2016-2017

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