
Cristina Spinelli at Nogueras Blanchard

Artist: Cristina Spinelli

Exhibition title: Que me entierren con todo

Curated by: Carla Gimeno Jaria

Venue: Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain

Date: July 1 – September 3, 2021

Photography: Roberto Ruiz., all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Nogueras Blanchard, Madrid

Nogueras Blanchard is delighted to announce Que me entierren con todo (May they bury me with everything), a solo exhibition by the artist Cristina Spinelli (Madrid, 1993) as part of the 11th edition of Art Nou.

Cristina Spinelli’s artistic practice unfolds from a profound relationship with materials. Her work reveals a kind of modus operandi that allows her to (re)conjugate the meanings inhe-rent to materialities in order to construct new narratives, languages and codes. Her works present an exercise in research and experimentation sustained over time, through which the artist fantasises about the possibility of discovering and manifesting inherent properties that constitute the materials with which she comes into contact.

A particular fascination with disappearance leads Spinelli to relate to materials and pro-cesses that will eventually disappear. Wax, a substance intended to be replaced by nobler materials, is rescued and then moulded with heat, giving it a new body that embraces other objects; fire, instead of destroying, blisters the wall, thus tracing and raising the scar of the shadow of an old piece, making it mutate into new forms; resin and fibreglass impregnate paper to dilute an already unfocused image, which now resists in a translucent trace. We find in these processes a continuous gesture that hides reminiscences of objects that have accompanied the artist throughout her life. Because some of them, as they wear out or even disappear, manage to remain in images and impressions, which Spinelli traces in her work.

Que me entierren con todo is a game of layering that is articulated from presence and ab-sence. The works that inhabit the gallery space have accompanied the works throughout the process their making. Spinelli moulds and tears, again and again, to get to the root, dissect and (re)construct, unveiling the physical and symbolic. This accompaniment becomes a spiral in which works, materials, shadows and images meet and separate, appear and disa-ppear, reference each other, crawl, affect each other.

Cristina Spinelli (Madrid, 1993) lives and works in Madrid. Her work has been recently exhibited in Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, Madrid; Galería Vilaseco, A Coruña; Conde Duque, Madrid; Sala de Arte Joven, Madrid; Can Felipa Arts Visuals, Barcelona; Salón, Madrid; ETOPIA Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Zaragoza; Tabacalera Promoción del Arte, Madrid; Injuve, Sala Amadís, Madrid; Archi-piélago, Antigua Embajada Británica, Madrid; Las Cigarreras. Cultura Contemporánea, Alicante; Medialab-prado, Madrid.

Carla Gimeno Jaria (Barcelona, 1994) is a curator and researcher. In 2018 she graduated in the MA Curating & Collections by the University of the Arts London (UAL). Recently, she has curated pro-jects in South London Gallery, Londres; The Koppel Project, Londres; Flat Time House, Londres; Can Felipa, Barcelona; àngels barcelona, Barcelona; NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona; CC La Farinera del Clot, Barcelona.

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, secreto azul (nosotras con tus geranios) (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, Pendiente de nombre (C) (2014-2022)

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, secreto azul (Amador) (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, ~folus~ (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, ~folus~ (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, ~folus~ (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, ~folus~ (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, ~folus~ (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, ~folus~ (2022)

Cristina Spinelli, Que me entierren con todo, 2022, exhibition view, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Cristina Spinelli, Flor I, (2022)

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