
Clueless Agency: Rozkošný most a jiné zpropadené tools at TOKAMAK GOLEM Prague

Artists: BCAA System, Jan Šerých, Jakub Schikaneder, Charlotte Weyrother-Mohr Piepenhagen, Šimon Sýkora, Matyáš Maláč, Simona Koutná, Olbram Pavlíček

Exhibition title: Clueless Agency: Rozkošný most a jiné zpropadené tools

Curated by: PGS Collective

Venue: TOKAMAK GOLEM, Prague, The Czech Republic

Date: 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists


When I use IT, I don’t even have to think, I don’t have to pay attention, you know, it’s THAT moment when you don’t have to think about your password, you just type it in, you just fire it out. It’s a learned process, BUT an extension that produces predictability! You know how they told us in the mindfulness seminar, xoq ǝɥʇ ǝpı̣sʇno ƃuı̣ʞuı̣ɥʇ – yeah! I realize I actually can’t imagine THAT. ………..thinking by error. ♪♪ ♪♪ Glitch cracks like a whip ♪♪ The impetus, however, always has to come from the outside, after all, people are most creative when trying to deal with an event that came out of nowhere and was unforeseen. If you ask me for my password /and I recommend you not to ask/ suddenly, several previous variations of the same password come together, which always had to be improvised in moments of unpreparedness. My RAM has always been oriented towards a different narrow goal and inertia hasn’t allowed me to really deal with it. REALLY! This is THE ONE password I’m going to gradually enter everywhere, on all of my accounts. The precise combination of numbers, the ratio of upper and lower case letters, and the balance of optimized creativity. The field I am occupied with has its own inertia – when I mark important spots, I’m not paying attention /this has to do with process/ and when I think I’m marking important spots, it’s dead spots I marking – thrown by inertia, more computational than a computer and slow to boot. Slowness! is important in the process though, beyond the zenith, where the error is near. Closer than you’d expect.

-Elena Pecenova

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