
Clémence de La Tour du Pin and Antoine Renard at L’Atelier-ksr

I am you, Jun. I'm all you'll ever need_exhibitionview

Artists: Clémence de La Tour du Pin and Antoine Renard

Exhibition title: 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick

Venue: L’Atelier-ksr, Berlin, Germany

Date: September 16 – October 24, 2015

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and L’Atelier-ksr, Berlin

“On May 25, 2012, an 11-minute video titled 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick was uploaded to, depicting a naked male tied to a bed frame being repeatedly stabbed with an ice pick and a kitchen knife, then dismembered, followed by acts of necrophilia.The perpetrator uses a knife and fork to cut off some of the flesh and gets a dog to chew on the body. (…)”
Winston Ross, The Daily Beast (June 4, 2012)

1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick takes the plunge into a wired world inspired by the cannibalistic story of pornographic actor Luka Rocco Magnotta, arrested after killing and dismembering his boyfriend while creating a snuff movie to be uploaded to the dark web.
The on-site by Clémence de La Tour du Pin and Antoine Renard traces a cracked nuptial narrative, underlining the morbid attraction to gore in opposition to our extreme disgust at such a scene. The kinky environment re-created by the two artists reflects the cryptic virtual realm of online gaming, its dark spaces of excess entertainment and constant transformation. A collapsed consciousness drawn into its limbs.

Exhibition View 1

Exhibition View 2

Exhibition View 3

E3M7_ Limbo

E3M7: Limbo, 2015

E3M4_ House of Pain_view2

E3M4: House of Pain, 2015 (detail)


Cross, 2015

E3M4_ House of Pain_view3

E3M4: House of Pain, 2015 (detail)

Leg 1

Leg 1, 2015

Leg 1_detail

Leg 1, 2015 (detail)


mirror detail

If you don’t like the reflection don’t look in the mirror, 2015 (detail)

Life is the flower for which Love is the honey

Life is the flower for which Love is the honey_detail

Life is the flower for which Love is the honey, 2015


Juice, 2015

Exhibition View 6


Aymler, 2015


Arm, 2015


Arm, 2015

Exhibition View 4

E4M2: Perfect Hatred, 2015, Steel panel, magnet, coffee and E2M6: Halls of the Damned, 2015


Could you juice me again? The colors are starting to fade, 2015

E5M5_ Hydratyr_Hand

E5M5: Hydratyr, 2015, Steel panel diptych, floorcloth and Hand, 2015

E2M2_ Containment Area_view 2

E2M2_ Containment Area_view1

E2M2_ Containment Area_detail

E4M4_ Unruly Evil

E4M4_ Unruly Evil_detail2

E4M4_ Unruly Evil_detail1

I am you, Jun. I'm all you'll ever need_exhibitionview

I am you, Jun. I'm all you'll ever need_Leg 2

I am you, Jun. I’m all you’ll ever need, 2015 Deep fryer, aluminium bits, coffee, dye and Leg 2, 2015

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, 2015

Justin Bieber_detail

Justin Bieber, 2015 (detail)

Torso 1

Torso 2-3

Torso 5

Spinal column

Spinal column, 2015


Could you juice me again? The colors are starting to fade, 2015 (detail)

M: i am a model, basically i do a lot of adult modeling and adult film and i am pretty comfortable in front of the camera i do full time, magazines, show. it s all very consistendf orm me i travel i go to montreal, i go to LA.

P; what the sugery?
M: I had 2 done already, it s a hairtransplant. basically back my hairhere is going to be frozen, i am awake for the entiure procedure and there is no heu anastecie so you dont wake up when you sleep so basically they open the back of my head they takethe flesh of, they cut it off and they take it on a side and they just work on it for a few hours by taking each individual hair out of the graph. they pull the skin down and they so back up so the doctor put it back and decide where all of them are needed. you can see the front of my hair id very natural. so whoever they need to be. It s going not bold but every time i look ion the mirror it s getting worst i can t have my hair looking like i am 50 years old when i am 25. i had cosmetic in the past I had my eye done here i had dark circke and i was looking as i was tired all the time i had my noze diobe i had 2 hairtransplant and i am planning to do muscle implants. i am a cosmetic surgery addict, but i am yeat=h just the professiobn i make make me aware to my look so i have to do this done. i am compared myself and step up my game tjhat why i do those procedure things.

P; do you feel it s more a modeling thing s or more sex entertaiment
M: it hasto be both cause both industry are so competitive so much stress and anxiety in those industry.
that s pressure to look this person looks that way now i compare so he had full hair i want that face why not could you do it. lots of people say you don t need it but i can t not deal with having my looks go. now i take really good care of myself my hais or something we better cut it a big longer at the back do not tell me you have to cut them longer so i am like it s not nice they do tell me and i guess i have to hear it s juste really my look is number 1 the number 2 is intelligence, all i care is number 1 yoiu know what when you go to partuy you have to wear something new it s a very strange industry

P; have you be obseesed with you
M: people say me even teenager waht you do is stay to the mirror in the restaurant you just look at you in your spoon. you knwo what you just so oibseesed you becoming something completely different when you are in hight school, then yo go to an industry you have to look perfect in front of the cam,era people judge you so much

P; do you have a body dismorphic disorders?
M: i dobn t have to much that i look good but even when i have my surgery i feel i can look even better do you thik=nk iloojk will help you yeah if i get the haitransplant yeah that will help the job got more and more to other people now i am the person that have more of the work so that mean that if i got surgery implants i will have more jobs. so others guys had bigger bodys and got the job so i will just follow this guy so i wonder why so it makes logical sense to me that i ll have it too., it s going to make a drastiucally change in my life. it will makes me feel amazing about me. it s go under the knife can help to achieve that then i think it s a great things. people thing it s a new magical experience it s not really that different it s not that bad. even know im awake i kind still feel cutting open my head it s not like you feel the pain , you just have to stay hours waiting, you can feel the blood dripping down at the back of your neck it s kinda graphic nobody cares but it s like seriously graphic.

P; do you have other thing you wanna fix?
o god…when i look at the mirror i just i wanna fixe that and this ok this will seems really weird but i ve seen this orher guy on a cosmeticsurgery show and he had on his forehaed and he has this like little bumps on the skull and a liitle bit cause my bones on my forehead because of my bumps nd his going down so he cannot do it one time if not he will collapse he had to stop. he thought he looks like devil horns and i look at the mirror so i have the same thing to. damn it s getting bigger and bigger on my forehead. so i want that done

P; do you see an end
M: you know why there is so much things i am gonna do, maybe they might not e an end or maybe they will have be an end

P; you think people should keep a secret
M: oi don t think so you can help people with talking and noone looks so perfect naturally ok so i have a bit of work done and that you don t look naturally beautiful something that it took a process for that person to look perfect, my experience can help i thing is a positive thing my family doesnt wanna talk to me they are fed up with it, my hole life is a bit too much for them.

P; what about your friend?
you know what you look, honestly they dont understand my position in life,. if i don t have my body i don t have any life my body = my life. I see woman that have breast implant i know guy they have teeth done, i had them whitener i made a lots of money on my teeth. my friend they like me the way i am when i watch adult films the guys are not that good looking are the men industry change cause they are not that good actually if you are better looking you are going to get more fans so obviously after my procedure i have more fan. i think the industry change but yeah men wanna look as good as possible cause of the metrosexual. it is a lot about the woman but i have gay fans, better care myself i have more letters and more response that usually, I de like to see that i would be very excited to do this and i would be a gfreat candidat

P; i wanna take a shot in your head. M: you want a close shop

P; i just wanna capt what is the problem with you hair, hm, M: still shot? do you see the scars here

P; show me your back?can you get a close up can you see it or noto yeah i can see, remove your hands i can see yeah they are there
M: the camera cant see it but i can point them out there is one here and one down here so basically there is not a lots of there is not so much room left when they can pull your skull when they can put your hair before you run out of haire

P; when do you need more hair
M: o yeah that s here at the end of my hand it use to go back drastiacally now so now its very naturel. yeah it s coming along amazingly well

Notes from Luka Magnotta’s audition for TV show “Plastic Makes Perfect”, 21”43’, video, 2012

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