Clara Spilliaert at Kunsthal Gent

Artist: Clara Spilliaert

Exhibition title: My Sis­ter is Preg­nant

Venue: Kunsthal Gent, Ghent, Belgium

Date: May 31 – December 31, 2024

Photography: ©Michiel Decleene / courtesy the artist and Kunsthal Gent

With the solo exhi­bi­ti­on My Sis­ter is Preg­nant’, artist Cla­ra Spil­liaert focu­ses on the simul­ta­neous preg­nan­cy of her sis­ter and that of a duck. She thus del­ves dee­per into our dea­lings with fer­ti­li­ty and reproduction.

In Ghent’s Cita­del Park, Spil­liaert noti­ced a duck that laid nine eggs. At the moment, her sis­ter had just star­ted a nine-month incu­ba­ti­on peri­od, a peri­od accom­pa­nied by men­tal and phy­si­cal chan­ges. The artist began to obser­ve both of them intent­ly. She went to the park eve­ry day, until one day she saw the duck eating her own egg to gain strength. To Spil­liaert, this see­med like the ulti­ma­te act of self-care and autonomy.

As with the ducks, Cla­ra’s sis­ter will rai­se her child wit­hout a father. Whi­le sha­ping and pain­ting in clay, Spil­liaert brid­ges the spe­cies and con­nects the­se two figu­res. Mean­w­hi­le, the artist herself lays a month­ly egg that dis­sol­ves in a sea of blood.

The park duck is cur­rent­ly rai­sing her only sur­vi­ving chick. By the end of the exhi­bi­ti­on, her sis­ter’s child is expec­ted and the milk will start flowing.

Clara Spilliaert (Tokyo, 1993) moved to Belgium in 2009 and studied first drawing and later ceramics at the LUCA School of Arts in Ghent. After seven years of intensive journal drawing, Spilliaert explores different media such as ceramics, murals and installations. Her works often stem from an observation of cultural phenomena and reflect an interest in history, mythology, nature and sexuality.