
!Champagne! at BeatTricks


Artists: Stefano Calligaro, Aline Cautis, Joe Fletcher Orr, Patric Sandri, Yonatan Vinitsky, Honza Zamojski

Exhibition title: !Champagne!

Directed By: Vincenzo Della Corte

Venue:  BeatTricks, Milan, Italy

Date:  June 12 – July 17, 2015

Photography: Francesco Romeo, images courtesy of the artists and BeatTricks

Gimme Groove-G’mme Groove
Gimme #swiftness on T’move
G’mme Freshness Gimme fuel
Gimme#swiftness out of sChOOL
Gimme bubbles G’mme Hubbles
Up and dup upn pat >>
#pipol #Gooossssey
freshy smooty >> freshly loopy
y-y-y-M M-y-y-y
d-o-n-t speak french on the BanCH
M-I clear? EF-ER-VES-CENT?
M-I clear? – U un-der-stand?
superstructured honky tonk
empathetic SUPER-PUMP
Gimme-Mc-me VERBAlized –
Can ya daddy saddle ya’ ?!
slop op top ya babe yo’
slop-top /
J’mp-up-op slash parade!
U plus I = !CHAMPAGNE!
mon plasier Tu ES ici’
Chip n’chop philosophy’
RimMe RamMe —– >> !!
Fast N’ Taste! ——– >> G-E-T ova’ heeah
# # # #
M-I clear? – U un-der-stand?
Need some Groove Need some Geeee!
sparklingbubble HYPNOoteee!!

Groove, swiftness, synthesis, freshness, are few of the many keywords we could use to translate into words this show. Here, the concept of “slang” is conceived as element of contrast to rigid verbal-conceptual and visual structures in favour of a more discoursive-synthetic and effervescent way of making art, that allows and guide us to zigzag into a fluent fruition of the works.

The sparkling, intuitive quality of !Champagne! liberates the viewer from superstructured philosophies and generates a direct/empathetic relationship between the artwork, the public and the surroundings.

Just to be clear: let’s synthesize this in Hegel’s way: There is nothing deeper than what appears on the surface. But is the surface really the surface?



Stefano Calligaro, F***Su**s, 2015


Joe Fletcher Orr, An Average Joe, 2015


Patric Sandri, untitled, 2015




Aline Cautis, Untitled, 2014 / Mall flowers, 2014


Honza Zamojski, Untitled (Hands), 2015


Yonatan Vinitsky, Sixth Lesson, 2014


Yonatan Vinitsky, AKZENT IV


Stefano Calligaro, Le Gr****ur, 2015

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