SCREEN: Traverser la nuit monter la colline by Julien Bourgain

October 13 – November 7, 2021

Julien Bourgain

Traverser la nuit monter la colline, 2021

20’05’’, HD, in color. With : Florian Mota, Sarah Korzec, Neila Khodja-Nabitz, Gaëtan Dubroca, Sarah Diep, Julien Bourgain – Camera : Soizic Pineau – Costumes : Maviedartiste1995. With the support of 3bisf, place of contemporary arts in Aix-en-Provence and Region Sud

Selected by Tiago de Abreu Pinto

SCREEN: In the Name of Hypersurface of the Present by Umber Majeed

September 9 – October 8, 2021

Umber Majeed

In the Name of Hypersurface of the Present, 2018

Single channel animation, 10’22”, Full HD, stereo. Courtesy of the artist and P.A Waheed Archives. Editing took place through the Cuts and Burns Residency Program at Outpost Artist Resources. This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Created with additional support from Akademie Schloss Solitude and ZKM, Germany

Selected by Tiago de Abreu Pinto