SCREEN: Borrowed Scenery by Shirin Sabahi

June 1 – 24, 2020

Shirin Sabahi

Borrowed Scenery, 2017
15 min, HD video, colour, stereo sound, Japanese with English subtitles. Featuring Noriyuki Haraguchi. Edited by Joji Koyama, Shirin Sabahi. Sound Design & Mix: Jamie Teasdale, Jochen Jessuzek

Selected by Elise Lammer

SCREEN: Genesis by Lucien Monot

May 4 – 26, 2020

Lucien Monot

Genesis, 2016, 16 min. 16mm transferred to digital, French, subtitled in English. Image: Lucien Monot, Davide Prudente , Sound: Lucien Monot, Editing: Lucien Monot, With Daniel Richard, Sound mixing: Adrien Kessler

Selected by Elise Lammer

SCREEN: Are you Ready to Try the Artist’s Habits? by Emmanuelle Lainé & Benjamin Valenza

April 6 – 28, 2020

Emmanuelle Lainé & Benjamin Valenza

Eston Prêtes à Endosser les Habits de l‘Artiste ?  / Are you Ready to Try the Artists Habits? 2019
18:47, HD video, Colour with sound, Courtesy of the artist and Labor Zero Labor, Produced in Switzerland and France by Labor Zero Labor

Selected by Elise Lammer