SPECIAL FEATURE: Antwerp Art Weekend (Selected Works Part 1)

Featured Artists: Vincent Vandaele, Mima Schwahn, William Ludwig Lutgens, Rufus Michielsen, Elias Cafmeyer, Valgerður Sigurðardóttir, Liese Vanhove, Kasper De Vos, Oscar Hugal,  Filip Collin, Elleke Frijters, Vedran Kopljar, Ken Verhoeven, Lotte Vanhamel, Klaas Kloosterboer, Frank Koolen, Lieven Segers, Guy Vandenbranden, Gilbert Swimberghe, Mark Verstockt, Jean Rets, Michiel Ceulers, James Beckett, Philippe Vandenberg, Bruce Nauman, Colburn Paluck, Ville Kallio, Yutaka Kawai, Philippe Van Wolputte

Featured venues: DE Studio, Annette De Keyser Gallery, Annie Gentils Gallery, Base-Alpha, Collection Callewaert-Vanlangendonck, DMW Art Space, Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, Hole Of The Fox, LLS 387

Date: May 19 – 21, 2017

Photography: images courtesy of the artists and galleries, all photos by Art Viewer

SPECIAL FEATURE: Four Stomachs by Nina Beier

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Artist: Nina Beier

Exhibition title: Four Stomachs

Curated by: Chris Fitzpatrick

Venue: Objectif Exhibitions, Director’s apartment, Sint-Anna Tunnel, Antwerp, Belgium

Date:  April 21, 2012 – July 1, 2015

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, Objectif Exhibitions, Croy Nielsen, Berlin and Laura Bartlett Gallery, London



SPECIAL FEATURE: In Light Of 25 Years at Witte de With

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Artists: Özlem Altin, Wineke Gartz, Camille Henrot, Germaine Kruip, Mahony, Raimundas Malašauskas, Zin Taylor, Freek Wambacq, Xu Zhen 

Exhibition title: In Light Of 25 Years

Curated by: Samuel Saelemakers and Defne Ayas

Venue: Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: January 27, 2015 – January 17, 2016

Photography: images copyright and courtesy the artists and Witte de With

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SPECIAL FEATURE: Selection of shows at 1857

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1857 is an artist-run exhibition space occupying a former lumberyard in Grønland, downtown Oslo. It was founded in 2010 by artists Steffen Håndlykken and Stian Eide Kluge, with graphic designers Eriksen / Brown as essential collaborators.

The space consists of a 280 m2 concrete factory hall, with raw concrete walls and 11 metres to a ceiling with beautiful skylights, which has been joined to an older wooden house with a storefront facing the street.

1857 aims to introduce young international artists to a Norwegian audience, and takes advantage of the high degree of freedom that comes from being an artist-run space in terms of how exhibitions are conceptualised, formulated and presented. There is an on-going conversation that runs through all of the shows about how to challenge or disregard conventions that prevail in institutional exhibition making. This approach has lead 1857 to open-ended collaborations with artists as well as characteristic exhibition designs, press releases and cocktails served on the openings.

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