Cache and Four Films at Billytown

Artists: Maja Klaassens, Christofer Degrér, Verena Blok, Lisa Tan, Eugene Sundelius von Rosen, Victoria Verseau

Exhibition title: Cache and Four Films

Venue: Billytown, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: November 25, 2023 – January 13, 2024

Photography: Jhoeko / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Billytown

Note: Exhibition’s booklet designed by Julian Sirre is available here

“The apartment was a box I had been hidden in, or maybe a book I had been written into. Outside was no different, words fell, soaked into the ground, and were stored there indefinitely (…)”

This winter Billytown presents two exhibitions that reflect on writing as an internalized technology. Featuring works by Maja Klaassens and Christofer Degrér, Cache is a duo exhibition exploring the impact of literature and film on perceptions of domestic and natural environments. Linked by a variety of references to writing and its mechanisms, Four Films features video works by Verena Blok, Lisa Tan, Eugene Sundelius von Rosen, and Victoria Verseau.

Kindly supported by Gemeente Den Haag, Mondriaan Fonds, and Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse.

Installation view (left to right): Christofer Degrér, Equilibrium: […] immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze […], 2023; Maja Klaassens, Swim (3), 2023

Maja Klaassens, Swim (3), 2023

Installation view (left to right): Christofer Degrér, Equilibrium: […] immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze […], 2023; Maja Klaassens, Villette, 2023

Detail: Christofer Degrér, Equilibrium: […] immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze […], 2023

Maja Klaassens, Villette, 2023

Installation view (left to right): Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023; Christofer Degrér, Equilibrium: […] immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze immediately left behind and Ill turn down eternity unless in Aprils haze […]”, 2023; Christofer Degrér, 25/6, 2023; Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023

Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023

Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023

Christofer Degrér, 25/6, 2023

Installation view (left to right): Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023; Maja Klaassens, Tributyltin, 2023

Installation view (left to right): Maja Klaassens, Filter, 2023; Maja Klaassens, Night Light (2), 2023; Maja Klaassens, Bay, 2023; Christofer Degrér, Gazes and looks and scleras and blinks, sights of some psychic-realm lighthouse completed just in time. Stars emit into the insecure atmosphere, returning another instance of originatory feedback. Kudzu on a telephone pole. Breeze. Quotation.(…), 2021/2023

Maja Klaassens, Filter, 2023

Maja Klaassens, Night Light (2), 2023

Christofer Degrér, Arrhythmia (IV), 2023

Christofer Degrér, Arrhythmia (IV), 2023

Christofer Degrér, Gazes and looks and scleras and blinks, sights of some psychic-realm lighthouse completed just in time. Stars emit into the insecure atmosphere, returning another instance of originatory feedback. Kudzu on a telephone pole. Breeze. Quotation.(…), 2021/2023

Installation view (left to right): Maja Klaassens, Tributyltin, 2023; Christofer Degrér, 25/6, 2023; Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023; Maja Klaassens, Bay, 2023

Installation view (left to right): Christofer Degrér, )fountain(, 2023; Maja Klaassens, Tributyltin, 2023

Installation view (left to right): Maja Klaassens, Tributyltin, 2023; Maja Klaassens, Swim (1), 2023; Maja Klaassens, Swim (4), 2023

Maja Klaassens, Tributyltin, 2023; Maja Klaassens, Swim (1), 2023; Maja Klaassens, Swim (4), 2023

Christofer Degrér, Rose (XVII), 2023

Installation view (Four Films): Eugene Sundelius von Rosen, Mikaelidagen, 2021

Installation view (Four Films): Victoria Verseau, A Ghost’s Gaze, 2021

Installation view (Four Films): Verena Blok, Out Lookers, 2022

Installation view (Four Films): Lisa Tan, Sunsets, 2012