
Aysha E Arar at Dvir Gallery

Artist: Aysha E Arar

Exhibition title: There was love, there was death and there was you

Venue: Dvir Gallery, Paris, France

Date: April 27 – July 13, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Dvir Gallery

‘Aysha’s touch isn’t here to give us a message, or a solution, it is here to show us that it’s beautiful and powerful to be messy, scared and emotional, it is not here to shed a light, it’s here to tell you that there is a seat near her in the dark and you are invited to sit near her as there is a comfort in a holding a hand in the darkness.’

Tamer Nafar

Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
Aysha E Arar, There was love, there was death and there was you, 2024, exhibition View, Dvir Gallery, Paris
AYSHA E ARAR, The gun was heavy on you, my brother, four bullets in your leg and the fifth in my heart, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on plastic fabric 195 x 147 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, The gun was heavy on you, my brother, four bullets in your leg and the fifth in my heart, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on plastic fabric 195 x 147 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, The gun was heavy on you, my brother, four bullets in your leg and the fifth in my heart, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on plastic fabric 195 x 147 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, The Forty Rules of Love by Jalaluddin Rumi,, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 205 x 120 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, The Forty Rules of Love by Jalaluddin Rumi,, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 205 x 120 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, The Forty Rules of Love by Jalaluddin Rumi,, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 205 x 120 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, The Forty Rules of Love by Jalaluddin Rumi,, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 205 x 120 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Goose in love, 2023, ballpoint pen on dress, 133 x 160 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Goose in love, 2023, ballpoint pen on dress, 133 x 160 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Goose in love, 2023, ballpoint pen on dress, 133 x 160 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Love has reached the core and then spread mercilessly. Is this what is called the disease of passion? 2023, acrylic on black fabric, 50 x 148 cm / 150 x 67 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Love has reached the core and then spread mercilessly. Is this what is called the disease of passion? 2023, acrylic on black fabric, 50 x 148 cm / 150 x 67 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Love has reached the core and then spread mercilessly. Is this what is called the disease of passion? 2023, acrylic on black fabric, 50 x 148 cm / 150 x 67 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Love has reached the core and then spread mercilessly. Is this what is called the disease of passion? 2023, acrylic on black fabric, 50 x 148 cm / 150 x 67 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, It was difficult to remain human despite all this, but I survived , 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 258 x 230 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, It was difficult to remain human despite all this, but I survived , 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 258 x 230 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, It was difficult to remain human despite all this, but I survived , 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 258 x 230 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Homemade donkey, homemade oranges and homemade cages, what else?, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 200 x 230 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Homemade donkey, homemade oranges and homemade cages, what else?, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 200 x 230 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Homemade donkey, homemade oranges and homemade cages, what else?, 2023, charcoal, ballpoint pen, and pastel on Kafan 200 x 230 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, He asked me where are you from? I said: Belle from the land of love and war, 2023, charcoal on Kafan, 240 x 207 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, He asked me where are you from? I said: Belle from the land of love and war, 2023, charcoal on Kafan, 240 x 207 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Guernica, 2023, acrylic on dress, 205 x 138 cm
AYSHA E ARAR, Guernica, 2023, acrylic on dress, 205 x 138 cm

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