
Process, Performance, Presence at Kunstverein Braunschweig

ProcessPerformancePresence_Duchovny Gerlach at Kunstverein Braunschweig 2

Artists: Awst & Walther, Sofia Duchovny, Tim Etchells, Hella Gerlach, Ben Greber, Ethan Hayes-Chute, Sadaharu Horio + KUKI, Vlatka Horvat, Schirin Kretschmann, Dafna Maimon, Eva Meyer-Keller, Peter Miller, Christian Philipp Müller, Jens Risch, Luca Trevisani, Brad Troemel, Faiq Syazwan Kuhiri, Mark Teh, Syamsul Azhar, Wong Tay Sy

Exhibition title: Process, Performance, Presence

Venue: Kunstverein Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

Date: June 11 – August 21, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunstverein Braunschweig

The process which determines and forms works of art, time and again, becomes the subject of the work of artists. The group show in the summer of 2016 brings together 16 international perspectives that focus on this process and the changes it stimulates.

The exhibition seeks to demonstrate the varied strategies artists employ when dealing with the same thematic question. Thus, some works not only demand diligence and patience, but also condition a partial change in the entire life of an artist. This is particularly true, when artists, for example, dedicate their efforts to a single activity for years. Even if only a single object emerges from such a “life’s work”, it reveals a great deal about the time that was spent in its development and creation. In addition, pieces of a completely different structure will be shown, works that, over the course of the show, will reveal visible and tangible changes: transformation in this context could be a chemical reaction or a process of growth. In other parts of the show, artists will turn into actors, who – as part of a performance – make changes on a setting established by them in order to make a before-and-after-effect visible.

PROCESS, PERFORMANCE, PRESENCE is an exhibition that in its course will re-invent itself over and again. This will not only challenge the work of art as a final product, but it will once more emphasize the audience as an important and invaluable vis-à-vis. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to engage themselves in this dialogue, which at all times during the visit to the exhibition presents itself as a unique and irretrievable snapshot of the very exhibition.

This exhibition, which opens with the summer festival on 10 June 2016, will be presented for the first time in all sites of the Kunstverein Braunschweig: Villa Salve Hospes and Remise, courtyard and garden.

ProcessPerformancePresence_Awst&Walther at Kunstverein Braunschweig 2

Awst & Walther, Instrumental Environments, 2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Awst&Walther at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Awst & Walther, Instrumental Environments, 2016

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Sofia Duchovny, Untitled (part 2), 2014-2016 (detail)

ProcessPerformancePresence_Duchovny at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Sofia Duchovny, Untitled (part 2), 2014-2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Duchovny Gerlach at Kunstverein Braunschweig 2

Sofia Duchovny and Hella Gerlach, Hoop the Loop (step 2), 2014

ProcessPerformancePresence_Duchovny Gerlach at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Sofia Duchovny and Hella Gerlach, Hoop the Loop (step 2), 2014

ProcessPerformancePresence_Etchells at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Tim Etchells, As Before, 2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Greber at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Ben Greber, Almagia II, 2009-2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Guestroom at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Faiq Syazwan Kuhiri, Mark Teh, Syamsul Azhar, Wong Tay Sy, When you read this letter, I am no more in this world, 2016

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Sadaharu Horio, Atarimae-no-koto, 2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Horio at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Sadaharu Horio, Atarimae-no-koto, 2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Horvat at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Vlatka Horvat, Replacements, 2012-2016

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Schirin Kretschmann, Lets Slip into her Shoes (IV), 2016

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Schirin Kretschmann, Lets Slip into her Shoes (IV), 2016

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Schirin Kretschmann, Water, 2016

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Dafna Maimon and Ethan Hayes-Chute, Moment of Camp, 2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Maimon_Hayes-Chute at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Dafna Maimon and Ethan Hayes-Chute, Moment of Camp, 2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Meyer-Keller at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Eva Meyer-Keller, Pulling Strings, 2016

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Peter Miller, Sunburns (Fade), 2015

ProcessPerformancePresence_Miller at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Peter Miller, The Letter, 2008

ProcessPerformancePresence_Müller at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Christian Philipp Müller, Pizza Pond, 2016

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Jens Risch, Seidenstück IV, 12.02.2010-16.07.2011

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Luca Trevisani, James Hiram Bedford, 2013-2016

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Luca Trevisani, James Hiram Bedford, 2013-2016

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Brad Troemel, LIVE/WORK, 2015-2016

ProcessPerformancePresence_Troemel at Kunstverein Braunschweig

Brad Troemel, LIVE/WORK, 2015-2016

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