X Bienal de Nicaragua: Centro de Arte Fundación Ortiz Gurdian

004 XBN FOG Darling Lopez

Artists: Adelita Husni Bey, Ahmet Öğüt, Alejandro de la Guerra, Darling López, Fredman Barahona, Marcos Agudelo, María José Argenzio, Noah Barker, Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Raúl Quintanilla, Sophia Al-Maria

Curated by: Oliver Martinez Kandt

Venue: X Bienal de Nicaragua, Palacio Nacional de Cultura, Managua, Nicaragua

Date:  February 11 – May 14, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and X Bienal de Nicaragua

The X Nicaragua Biennial Fundación Ortiz Gurdian was inaugurated in the cities of Managua, Leon and Bluefields commemorating its 10th edition with the homage to the Caribbean painter June Beer (1935-1986).

The X Nicaragua Biennial is dedicated to June Beer and emphasizes artistic practices as symbolic parables of the relationship of individuals with their environment. Influenced by contemporary production in Nicaragua the exhibition´s central subject is the background, to comment on the global, natural, social and cultural schemes of today.

In June Beer work a body expresses its spatial relationship with the natural environment and culture, her verses, landscapes, portraits and representations of collective moments from the Nicaraguan Caribbean, unfold states, conditions and situations of perceptualdérives of a subjective connection with the environment and the world.

Transposing Beer´s artistic practice to address moments of our contemporaneity, the X Nicaragua Biennial invites us to look at fragments of individuality that inspire our organic / philosophical reasoning, from which collective activities emerge and the possibilities of new concurrences between the individuals and their material and sensitive environment exist.

001 XBN FOG Maria J Ar _

Maria José Argenzio, Banderines, 2015

002 XBN FOG Maria Jose Argenzio

Maria José Argenzio, Banderines, 2015

003 XBN FOG Maria Jose Argenzio

Maria José Argenzio, Banderines, 2015

004 XBN FOG Darling Lopez

Darling López, Guerra de Agua, 2015

005 XBN FOG Darling Lopez

Darling López, Guerra de Agua, 2015

006 XBN FOG Marcos Agudelo

Marcos Agudelo, Reconstrucción de Iglesia de Solentiname

007 XBN FOG Marcos Agudelo

Marcos Agudelo, Reconstrucción de Iglesia de Solentiname

008 XBN FOG Marcos Agudelo

Marcos Agudelo, Reconstrucción de Iglesia de Solentiname

009 XBN FOG Marcos Agudelo

Marcos Agudelo, Reconstrucción de Iglesia de Solentiname

010 XBN FOG Marcos Agudelo

Marcos Agudelo, Reconstrucción de Iglesia de Solentiname

011 XBN FOG Raul Quintanilla

Raúl Quintanilla, Welcome to Syria… Bitch

012 XBN FOG Raul Quintanilla

Raúl Quintanilla, Welcome to Syria… Bitch

013 XBN FOG Ahmet Ogut

Ahmet Ögüt, Things We Count

014 XBN FOG Ahmet Ogut

Ahmet Ögüt, Things We Count

015 XBN FOG Ahmet Ogut

Ahmet Ögüt, Things We Count

016 XBN FOG Fredman Barahona

Maria Joss Argensio, Fredman Barahona

017 XBN FOG Fredman Barahona

Fredman Barahona, Esferas de la vida

018 XBN FOG Fredman Barahona

Fredman Barahona, Esferas de la vida

019 XBN FOG Fredman Barahona

Fredman Barahona, Esferas de la vida

020 XBN FOG Fredman Barahona

Fredman Barahona, Esferas de la vida

021 XBN FOG Naomi Rincón Gallardo

Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Odisea Ocotepec

022 XBN FOG Naomi Rincón Gallardo

Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Odisea Ocotepec

023 XBN FOG Naomi Rincón Gallardo

Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Odisea Ocotepec

024 XBN FOG Naomi Rincón Gallardo salida del uteroVideoStill

Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Odisea Ocotepec (still from video)

025 XBN FOG Naomi Rincón Gallardo

Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Odisea Ocotepec (still from video)

026 XBN FOG Naomi Rincón Gallardo

Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Odisea Ocotepec

027 XBN FOG Adelita Husni Bey

Adelita Husni Bey, Postcards from the Desert Island

028 XBN FOG Adelita Husni Bey

Adelita Husni Bey, Postcards from the Desert Island (still from video)

029 XBN FOG Adelita Husni Bey

Adelita Husni Bey, Postcards from the Desert Island (still from video)

030 XBN FOG Adelita Husni Bey

Adelita Husni Bey, Postcards from the Desert Island (still from video)

031 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert

032 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

033 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

034 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

035 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

036 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

036 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

037 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

038 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

039 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

040 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

040.1 XBN FOG Sophia Al Maria.jpg

Sophia Al-Maria, The Future was Desert (still from video)

041 XBN FOG Noah Barker

Noah Barker,  2016

042 XBN FOG Noah Barker

Noah Barker,  2016