Ähnliche Artikel at Galerie Conradi

Artists: Katja Aufleger, Thomas Jeppe, Oriol Vilanova, Jie Xu

Exhibition title: Ähnliche Artikel

Venue: Galerie Conradi, Hamburg, Germany

Date: September 6 – October 19, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Conradi, Hamburg

Ähnliche Artikel: Katja Aufleger, Thomas Jeppe, Oriol Vilanova, Jie Xu, 2024
Left: Jie Xu, Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 9 pieces (detail). Middle: Thomas Jeppe, Untitled, 2016, ceramic mask, wood. Right: Oriol Vilanova, Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014, Installation, 1.080 postcards (detail)
Thomas Jeppe, Untitled, 2016, ceramic mask, wood, 54 x 18 cm
Oriol Vilanova, Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014, Installation, 1.080 postcards, 320 x 645 cm
Oriol Vilanova, Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014, Installation, 1.080 postcards, 320 x 645 cm
Oriol Vilanova, Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014, Installation, 1.080 postcards, 320 x 645 cm
Oriol Vilanova, left: Economical Poem (60 to 40 in 5 movements), 2024, middle: Economical Poem (5 to 4 in 9 movements), 2024, right: Economical Poem (20 to 10 in 7 movements), 2024, acrylic on MDF
Oriol Vilanova, Economical Poem (5 to 4 in 9 movements), 2024
Acrylic on MDF, 71,2 x 45 x 1,2 cm
Oriol Vilanova, Economical Poem (20 to 10 in 7 movements), 2024, Acrylic on MDF, 60,5 x 45 x 1,2 cm
Jie Xu, Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces
Jie Xu, Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces
Jie Xu, Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces
Jie Xu, Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood, 10 x 250 cm, 9 pieces
Katja Aufleger, Orange Money, 2023, 12 bronze oranges
Katja Aufleger Left: Orange Money, 2023, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop. Right: Orange Money, 2023, 12 bronze oranges
Katja Aufleger, Orange Money, 2023, still, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop
Katja Aufleger, Orange Money, 2023, still, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop
Katja Aufleger, Orange Money, 2023, still, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop
Katja Aufleger, Orange Money, 2023, still, 4K video, color, sound, 12’59’’ loop
Katja Aufleger , Orange Money, 2023 (detail), cast bronze
Ähnliche Artikel, exhibition view, Conradi, 2024
Left: Jie Xu, Gold Bless you, 2022, oil on canvas and gold leaf, Entropie, ein Spiel, 2020, oil on wood (detail). Right: Oriol Vilanova, Anything, Everything. White and Blue, 2015-2014 (detail)
Ähnliche Artikel, exhibition view, Conradi, 2024