Klaudia Januskó and Masa Sallai at Horizont Gallery

Artists: Klaudia Januskó and Masa Sallai

Exhibition title: YOUTH 4

Venue: Horizont Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

Date: July 3 – 31, 2024

Photography: Dávid Biró / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Horizont Gallery, Budapest

YOUTH 4 is the fourth edition of Horizont Galéria’s summer exhibition series with up-and-coming young talents.

Klaudia Januskó

Klaudia Januskó is graduating this year from the painting department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. She examines female characters in video games and action-horror films, comparing them to the role of women today. She explores the possible intersections of cyberfeminism and neomedievalism, and her creative process is characterised by a feminist critical stance. Throughout her work, she analyzes various forms of violence and their effects, that surround the female body both in online and offline spaces, reflecting, among other things, on the exceptionally high rate of domestic violence against women in Hungary.

Masa Sallai

Masa Sallai is studying in the Painting and Animated film class of Judith Eisler at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. In her work she often repeats the same motives, such as insects, papers, lamps, tables and constantly rethinks her previous works in different mediums, which creates a complex connection between her paintings, sculptures and drawings. Currently she is interested in found objects, and how these can randomly influence her creative process.