
The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time. Artistic Testimonies of War and Repression at Schinkel Pavillon

Artists: Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Etel Adnan, Dora Bromberger, Leo Breuer, Isaac Chong Wai, Simone Fattal, Forensic Architecture, Parastou Forouhar, Lea Grundig, Erich Heckel, Hannah Höch, Eric Isenburger, Dana Kavelina, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Käthe Kollwitz, Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Maria Luiko, Kateryna Lysovenko, Otto Mueller, Felix Nussbaum, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Johanna Schütz-Wolff, Sung Tieu, Nora Turato, Oscar Zügel

Exhibition title: The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time. Artistic Testimonies of War and Repression

Venue: Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin, Germany

Date: September 1, 2023 – January 7, 2024

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin

Note: Press release is available here

Exhibition view: Johanna Schütz-Wolff, Der Tote (Fragment), 1930, private collection. Käthe Kollwitz, Zwei wartende Soldatenfrauen, 1943, Käthe Kollwitz Museum. Simone Fattal, Mother and Child (Green), 2005, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Mother and Child, 2005, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Wounded Woman III, 2013, courtesy of the artist.­­ Käthe Kollwitz, Mutter schützt ihr Kind, 1941/42, Käthe Kollwitz Museum. Käthe Kollwitz, Frau mit Kind im Schoß, 1911–37, Käthe Kollwitz Museum. Hannah Höch, Symbolic Landscape III, 1930, private collection. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Römisches Stillleben, 1930, Brücke-Museum. Johanna Schütz-Wolff, Der Tote (Fragment), 1930, private collection. Käthe Kollwitz, Zwei wartende Soldatenfrauen, 1943, Käthe Kollwitz Museum. Simone Fattal, Mother and Child (Green), 2005, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Mother and Child, 2005, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Wounded Woman III, 2013, courtesy of the artist.­­ Käthe Kollwitz, Mutter schützt ihr Kind, 1941/42, Käthe Kollwitz Museum. Käthe Kollwitz, Frau mit Kind im Schoß, 1911–37, Käthe Kollwitz Museum. Photo: Frank Sperling

Käthe Kollwitz, Frau mit Kind im Schoß, 1911–37, Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum. Photo: Frank Sperling

Johanna Schütz-Wolff, Der Tote (Fragment), 1930, private collection. Photo: Frank Sperling

Simone Fattal, Mother and Child, 2005, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Mother and Child (Green), 2005, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Wounded Woman III, 2013, courtesy of the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Hannah Höch, Symbolic Landscape III, 1930, private collection. Felix Nussbaum, Gewandstudie eines kauernden Mannes, 1940, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. Felix Nussbaum, Felix Nussbaum, Vorzeichnung zu dem Gemälde “Die Verdammten”, 1943, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. Simone Fattal, Bunker with Warriors, 2013, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Vous avez fait un paysage moral exact, 1977, courtesy of the artist & kaufmann repetto. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Felix Nussbaum, Gewandstudie eines kauernden Mannes, 1940, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. Felix Nussbaum, Felix Nussbaum, Vorzeichnung zu dem Gemälde “Die Verdammten”, 1943, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. Simone Fattal, Bunker with Warriors, 2013, courtesy of the artist. Simone Fattal, Vous avez fait un paysage moral exact, 1977, courtesy of the artist & kaufmann repetto. Photo: Frank Sperling

Isaac Chong Wai, Breath Marks: A Crouching Man (Homage to Felix Nussbaum), 2023, courtesy of the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling

Isaac Chong Wai, Breath Marks: A Crouching Man (Homage to Felix Nussbaum), 2023, courtesy of the artist

Isaac Chong Wai, Breath Marks: A Crouching Man (Homage to Felix Nussbaum), 2023, courtesy of the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Felix Nussbaum, Gewandstudie eines kauernden Mannes, 1940, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. Felix Nussbaum, Vorzeichnung zu dem Gemälde “Die Verdammten”, 1943, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. Simone Fattal, Bunker with Warriors, 2013, courtesy of the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling

Isaac Chong Wai, Humming Breath and Silent Words (Homage to Charlotte Salomon) : Bist du bei mir / Morgen muß ich fort von hier / Ach, ich habe sie verloren, 2023, courtesy the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling.

Exhibition view: Isaac Chong Wai, Breath Marks: A Crouching Man (Homage to Felix Nussbaum), 2023, courtesy of the artist. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Römisches Stillleben, 1930, Brücke-Museum. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Etel Adnan, The Arab Apocalypse, 1965, courtesy of the artist’s estate & Sfeir-Semler Gallery Beirut/Hamburg. Photo: Frank Sperling

Installation view: Sung Tieu, Subtext, 2023, courtesy of the artist & Sfeier-Semler Gallery Beirut/Hamburg. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Hannah Höch, Berglandschaft, 1941, private collection. Lawrence Abu Hamdan, The Diary of a Sky, 2023, courtesy of the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Etel Adnan, The Arab Apocalypse, 1965, Courtesy of the artist’s estate & Sfeir-Semler Gallery Beirut/Hamburg. Photo: Frank Sperling

Exhibition view: Hannah Höch, Berglandschaft, 1941, private collection. Lawrence Abu Hamdan, The Diary of a Sky, 2023, courtesy of the artist. Photo: Frank Sperling

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