SCREEN: Lucia by León & Cociña

Artist: León & Cociña

Title: Lucia

Curated by: Federico Acal and Benny Van den Meulengracht-Vrancx

Screening: June 14 – 30, 2018

Year: 2017

Duration: 3’49”

Stage Design Assistance : NATALIA GEISSE

Part 1 in the series of 2 short animation films / video installation:
Part 1: LUCIA (2007) and Part 2: LUIS (2008).

Duration 3:49 min

LUCIA is the 1st short video of the series LUCIA, LUIS Y EL LOBO (LUCIA, LUIS AND THE WOLF). The video was shot frame by frame with a digital photo camera. Materials: charcoal, dirt, flowers, found objects and cardboard. The second video in this series is LUIS.

(2010) – “Grand Prix” and “Audience Award” at the Festival Court-Bouillon in France. – “ASIFA Austria Award” and “Audience Award”, International Competition Animation Avantgarde, Vienna Independent Shorts International Film Festival, Vienna, Austria. – “Grand Jury Prize”, Disposable Film Festival, San Francisco, California, USA. (2009) – “Grand Prix Wooden Wolf Prize”, Animated Dreams, Animation Film Festival, Tallinn, Estonia. – “1st Prize, Best International Film”, Fantoche International Animation Film Festival, Baden, Switzerland. – “Grand Jury Prize for Best Short Film”, FIBABC (Festival Iberoamericano de Cortometrajes ABC), Madrid, Spain. – “Special Mention Jury Prize”, 16o Valdivia International Film Festival, Valdivia, Chile. (2008) – “Literaturwerkstatt Berlin Prize, Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany. – “2nd Place Award”, Fair Play Film and Video Award Festival, Lugano, Switzerland.

(2010) – Short Film Corner, Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France. – Offscreen Film Festival, Cinema Nova, Brussels, Belgium. – ANIMAC, Muestra Internacional de Cine de Animación de Cataluña, Lleida, Spain. – Festival Court-Bouillon in France. – Disposable Film Festival, San Francisco, California, USA. – Vienna Independent Shorts International Film Festival, Vienna, Austria. (2009 – Fantoche International Animation Film Festival, Baden, Switzerland. – FIBABC (Festival Iberoamericano de Cortometrajes ABC), Madrid, Spain. – Animated Dreams, Animation Film Festival, Tallinn, Estonia. – Valdivia International Film Festival, Valdivia, Chile. (2008) – Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Habana, Cuba. – Interfilm, International Short Film Festival, Berlin, Germany – DLA (Discovering Latin America) Film Festival, London, England. – Product Festival of Contemporary Art, Varna, Bulgaria. – Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany. – Fair Play Film and Video Award Festival, Lugano, Switzerland.

(2011) – “Draw and do not waste time”, Salon Akademii, Warsaw, Poland. – “Art in the Auditorium”, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK. – “Art in the Auditorium”, PROA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. – “Art in the Auditorium”, City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand. – “Art in the Auditorium”, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, Norway. – “Art in the Auditorium.” GAMeC, Bergamo, Italy. – “Art in the Auditorium.” Kunsthaus, Zürich, Switzerland. (2010) – “Grand Slam: Dopplergruppen” Büro Adalbert, Berlin, Germany. – “CHACO, Contemporary Art Fair”, Santiago de Chile. – “Upstream Cinema, Upstream Gallery”, Amsterdam, Netherlands. – “Lucía & Luis”, Galería Marilia Razuk, Sao Paulo, Brasil.- (2009) – “7a Bienal do Mercosul” , Porto Alegre, Brasil. – “Illustrative 09, Berlin”, Germany. – “Beijing 798 Art Biennale 2009 3”, Beijing, China. – “Inverosimil”, Galería Vértice”, Lima, Peru. – “Comunidad Ficticia”, Centro Cultural Matucana 100, Santiago de Chile. – “Lucía, Luis y el Lobo”, Galería Animal, Santiago de Chile. (2008) – “After the Light”, Radialsystem, Berlin, Germany. – “Illustrative 08” , Zurich, Switzerland. – “Arteba , Feria Internacional de Arte”, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2007) – “Sewn , East Asia Contemporary”, Shanghai, China. – “Romance”, GalerÌa Animal, Santiago de Chile.