
Nicolás Lamas at Galeria Lucia de la Puente

Artist: Nicolás Lamas

Exhibition title: Ocaso

Venue: Galeria Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Peru

Date: August 10 – September 6, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galeria Lucia de la Puente

Ocaso is the last individual show of Nicolas Lama, Peruvian artist who lives in Belgium. For this new project, Lamas uses a series of meetings and unstable relationships between elements from different contexts, which interact within a space of a gallery under a not established parameters. Ocaso proposes an ontological review to our present under a dark and quiet perspective, where light seems to be diluted behind a horizon which is about to disappear.

Nicolás Lamas (Lima, 1980). Among his most recent solo exhibitions are: Todo objeto es un espacio temporal, Espai13, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, ​​2016; Ephemeral conditions, Marion de Canniere, Antwerp – Belgium, 2017; Loss of symmetry, Loods12, Wetteren – Belgium, 2016; Dysfunctional links, Meessen De Clercq, Brussels – Belgium, 2016; Potential remains, DASH, Kortrijk – Belgium, 2015; Configuraciones, Galería Lucía de la Puente, Lima – Peru, 2014.

His most recent exhibitions include: Notes on our equilibrium, CAB Art Center, Brussels – Belgium, 2017; Presque la même chose, Kunsthalle Mullhouse, Mullhouse – France, 2015; La fotografía después de la fotografía, MAC, Lima – Peru, 2014; Pricincipio de la Incertidumbre, The Goma, Madrid – Spain, 2014; The part in the story where a part become something else, Witte de With, The Hague – The Netherlands, 2014.

Nicolas Lamas studied at the Faculty of Art of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad de Barcelona and at the Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten in Ghent – Belgium.

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