
Kate Levant at Clima

Artist: Kate Levant

Exhibition title: Use your indicator

Venue: Clima, Milan, Italy

Date: September 26 – November 11, 2017

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Clima, Milan

Levant’s presentation of work is made of different medias, mostly installations, sculptures and two dimensional works created by the overlaying of material and concepts.

The artist’s research cycles through the relative functions of body and mind, considering how body:acting and mind:thinking operate concurrently, however often moving along different trajectories.

Bibs becomes aprons and jacket, all wearable items which purposely can be experienced, worn, or merely touched.

One large multilayered installation stands as a totemic image generating meditative reflection upon the conditions of primal human urges, and origins.

Another work creates an environment which instigates the psychic task of physically experiencing signs’ split from the material registrations which their concrete forms present. Slipping in alternate directions within the confines of a green room, cunning transformations ricochet throughout.

In still other works, a sense of contemporaneity is very present, as if the works’ motives are shot immediate input from the body, in turn becoming powerful and intense assemblages driven by the instinctual directives felt by the artist herself.

Kate Levant (Chicago 1983), lives and works in New York. She has an MFA from Yale University, New Haven and a BFA from the School Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Kate Levant, Use your indicator, 2017, exhibition view, Clima, Milan

Kate Levant, Use your indicator, 2017, exhibition view, Clima, Milan

Kate Levant, Use your indicator, 2017, exhibition view, Clima, Milan

Kate Levant, ENTER-ALPHA, 2017, Canvas drop cloth, latex paint, aluminium foil, aerosol enamel, spinnaker, polyurethane, thread, wire, vinyl, china-marker, graphite, 350 x 316 cm

Kate Levant, SYNCH, 2017, Crate, blank street sign, beads, fabric, seed bods and polyurethane, broken mirror bits, plastic and metal debris, pipe joints, broken light bulb, canvas drop clot, aluminium foil, aerosol enamel, 12 x 90 x 77 cm

Kate Levant, PHASE 1, 2017, Rubberized street lamp protection, fabric scraps and thread, graphite, 50 x 31 cm

Kate Levant, RESIST SWEAT GR, 2017, Vinyl, ink, rubberized-street-lamp-protection, straps, gaffers tape on paper, 240 x 134 x 5 cm

Kate Levant, GR, 2017, Plastic gels, stickers, tape, color-photocopies, paper, aluminium, plastic-laminate

Kate Levant, GR, 2017, Canvas drop cloth, latex paint, aluminium foil, ink on paper, 193 x 80 cm

Kate Levant, GR ARTIFICIAL PEONIES, 2017, Galvanized artificial peonies, wire form, 110 x 30 x 45 cm

Kate Levant, ABDUCTION, 2017, Canvas drop cloth, latex paint, vellum, aluminium foil, aerosol enamel, charcoal, paper, polyurethane, wire-mesh, wire, thread, graffers-tape, graphite, 280 x 187 cm

Kate Levant, UNTITLED, 2017, Spinnaker, aluminium foil, polyurethane, gingham fabric scrap, thread, wire, 82 x 74 x 13 cm

Kate Levant, CALLING ALL ACTIVE AGENTS, 2017, Billboard banner, crate, wire, ink, gardening glove, rubber, paper, aluminium foil, gingham-fabric-scrap, vellum, spinnaker, CPR diagram, aerosol enamel, canvas, drop cloth-scrap, latex paint, 147 x 121 x 11 cm

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